Your account has been rejected

It always sux to be rejected.

I’ve never been too interested in starting an OnlyFans (OF) account, mainly because OF is more related to pornography than art. Despite having more relaxed rules around nudity and potentially making a lot more money on OF than Patreon, I prefer having a smaller number of more loyal and respectful patrons at a higher price vs. the idea of selling my work at a much lower price, but having more trolls that could cause me more trouble down the line (like stealing my images and re-uploading to OnlyLeaks style web sites).

I had a few people suggest that I start an OF account. I figure I’d get the process going. I created an account, but quite soon into the process I got an email to say that not only has my account been rejected, it’s also been completely disabled! According to their Terms, they do not allow accounts set up on behalf of photographers. The account holder personally has to participate in more than 50% of all profile content.

Ultimately I’ve got to get my Patreon unsuspended. 3rd day in now without a reply. Fingers crossed they get back to me soon.

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