Warframe Rhino Statue


So I’m obsessed with Warframe. I’d wear it on my chest but I’m a less is more kinda guy with what I choose to wear so instead I bought the Rhino limited edition collector’s statue as I’ve been a toy collector my whole life. 

The package got to Australia really fast, just over 2 weeks. First thing I noticed was the model was a lot heavier than I thought it would be be. You’d think it was made of metal, but is in fact some sort of hard resin (very nice). The hand painting is awesome (can’t help but feel sorry for the person/s who had to paint all of these!). The weapons all come separate so you have to put him together to display, but glaringly obvious to me was that his sidearm is on the wrong side!!! They must have gotten confused with the moulding process? IE: Similar issue with people who have shocking Asian words tattooed on their skin in reverse as the tattoo artist put the transfer on without first ‘mirroring’ the design.

The site listing suggested that I get some digital freebies with the statue but nope, nothing in email. I contacted the shop and they suggested I look in the box, nope, then they suggested I contact DE direct as the shop support was separate to DE support. I did just that, but then DE told me I should have gotten the email. Once it was made clear I had waited the right amount of time, and that I didn’t get the email, DE then sent me some codes to get my digital freebies (helmets and a noggle!).

So all is good in the hood!

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