
New Photography Portfolio.

I’m a WordPress guy (well, an HTML guy actually, wish I could turn back time and dominate the web like I did once in the 90’s lol), but recently I’ve been thinking about setting up a photography folio of some sort as tumblr is just not cutting it (6 months into shooting and I’ve got too many images now, and with tumblr I can’t re-organise or sort images).

I started looking into some WordPress base themes but failed to find the right solution (short of hacking to death and using plugins to make it all happen). My developer flatmate suggested I look at Squarespace. I did some research, played with a demo for a few hours and found it pretty damn impressive in regards to getting your content onto a site as quickly and as easily as possible. It’s a bit buggy, and starts to take a toll on your browser (I had to close the window a couple of times and log back in to get it up to speed again).

You can check out my work in progress so far (I signed up for 12 months at around $170 with the use of a coupon code). PS: NSFW Nudity Warning!). Visit: http://www.justinfoxphoto.com

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2 Responses to Squarespace

  1. Paul says:

    Evolution. Good stuff mate!

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