Sarah broke her neck


Sean acting baws in Sarah’s wheelchair.

In a truly freaky and sad incident, my friend Sarah fractured her vertebra falling down a spiral staircase on January 1st, her B’day of all days! She was rushed to hospital and x-rays revealed 2 fractures to her neck (not to mention heavy bruising to her back and also bone damage to her hip). They operated on her straight away, she’s now sporting a shaved hairdo (well, the back of her head), pins in her bones and a rather large lot of stitches on the back of her head.

Amazingly she greeted us with a smile, and 7 days in she’s recovered well enough to walk a little. Sarah really wanted to get out of the hospital so Sean and I took her outside in the sun (in a wheelchair), we found a little garden and just soaked up the sun for a bit. It’s going to take a good 6 months of recovery before Sarah can (hopefully) turn her head again. Pretty hardcore, could have been worse, very glad that she’s going to be OK.

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