Paddy’s Hop Harvest Festival

Straight into it.

Perhaps the best beer there, cool guy too. He was happy to share a lot of info with Richie about licensing.

One of the beers I didn’t try as I had to drive!

I couldn’t help but geek out over their C02 injected set-ups. This one used a modified esky to cool down the beer taps.

It’s all about the hops!

I needed 2 of these in order to absorb the booze!

Lot’s of really fun branding going on.

Richie’s pretty into the home brew so he invited me out to the Paddy’s Hop Harvest Festival yesterday. Horrible traffic and weather getting there but there was a great vibe going on, the only blow-in there was me! Freshly brewed craft beer on tap and I got to appreciate hops for the first time (I’ve never been a fan of beers with hops).

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