modern pet shop

WIP: modern pet shop logo.

For a good part of last year (6 months+) I was working on a business plan for opening a bike shop in the city. Fortunately it’s going to happen but unfortunately I’m not going to be a part of it. The situation is a little bitter sweet but I’m happy it’s going ahead and I learnt a lot through writing the business plan (something I’ve never done in depth before).

My sister has been pretty keen to start a family business of sorts for some time now and a few months ago we all went to a huge China trade fair in search for “something” which we could possibly import and sell. Unfortunately we didn’t find anything great (filling up a 20ft container with products that you’re not confident will sell is a pretty scary gamble!) so we put everything on ice for a while until recently.

For the past few months we’ve been talking about selling modern pet goods and slowly but surely our new business venture is shaping up. We’ve started work on an identity (see above logo symbol and logotype) and we’ve also developed this little blurb:

At modern pet shop we stock select items to satisfy many a pampered pet from a range of edgy, well-designed accessories, ranging from hand-stitched leather collars and leads, to wooden feeding bowls and organic treats.

Pampered pets never had it so good!

Legalities have been sorted and it’s full steam ahead. Yes there’s going to be some gambling involved (definitely not something I’m great at) and yes we’re bracing ourselves for potentially tense times, especially that family is involved but I’m feeling pretty positive about it all. More updates as they come!

EDIT: On a (very) related note this just came in the mail today from the USA:


Christina spotted this on the internet and had to have one. It’s a cat carrier which doubles up as a bed. It’s even got an in-built electric blanket! It’s very well made and the Apple like packaging was pretty impressive too. Very much in line with the kind of stuff we’d love to sell on the shop.

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4 Responses to modern pet shop

  1. Andy says:

    That’s awesome!!! I just got myself a kitten as well…Good luck with your new business venture.

  2. Carmen says:

    I managed to buy a Gucci collar for my dog :)
    I have a feeling Alan and I will be buying lots of pet products from you!

  3. Justin Fox says:

    Thanks guys! :)

  4. alex says:

    If you want to see what a real pet store should look like, check out kellyville pets on a weekend. They sell A LOT of stuff, from tad poles to mawcaws.

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