I started another thread on reddit that’s gotten a fair few responses which you can check out here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guitar/comments/nqbucc/discussion_im_getting_better_at_ignoring_the_logo/
Background: I’m 46, have owned many cheap guitars for 30 years but early last month I bought “the real deal” for the first time in my life, a Fender AM PRO II. It’s a great guitar, it’s really nice to finally own a guitar I’ve always wanted but could never justify spending so much on, but do I love it more than my cheap guitars? Nope. Does it play better than my cheap guitars? Nope. Does it sound better than my cheap guitars? Nope!
Time and time again I will still grab my old Squier over my new Fender. I’ve since bought a cheap $238 (AUD) Les Paul style guitar made in China but sold by a reputable local guitar company and sure, it had some issues, most annoying of all a couple of high frets that I needed to file down and re-crown, but it plays great, sounds AOK too. Part of me still wants a real Gibson Les Paul… but part of me wants to try other non-Strat style guitars too!
I’m currently looking at buying a Telecaster. $329 buys me an Affinity, $1129 gets me a Player, $3319 gets me an American Original. Will the Player be 3 x better than the Affinity? Will the American Original be 10 times better than the Affinity? I highly doubt it. Pretty sure I’ll be buying the Affinity for sure!
Anyone else in the same boat as me? All good if not, each to their own, right?!