Good Morning Amanda

Waking up to this is awesome, then reality kicks in…

Braindead as fuck right now, but Amanda and I click, and we’ve been D&M’ing lots despite me being super jet-lagged. Like the ouroboros, we’ve been trying out to figure out the meaning of life and stuff (lol!).

So refreshing to meet a girl who looks like Amanda does, but carries none of the usual negative associations. She’s not “just” a DJ, she’s not “just” a model either, she’s just a super rad human being (full stop really) who doesn’t take herself too seriously, and is fumbling through life like lots of us are.

I had “LIFE” written in bold in my calendar today. I woke up at 5am and was ready to go, only to realise phone service and shops were not going to open until 9.30AM so I tried to do as much online as I could, but it was soon apparent to me that without a phone you can’t do jack shit these days.

I tried to pay someone some money; internet banking now forces you to enter in a code that’s sent to your mobile before you can finish an online transaction. No mobile phone means no banking then! I then tried to cancel and activate cards online, again, the banking site sent codes to my phone so I couldn’t activate my cards remotely.

I then tried to get a new drivers license online. I got pretty far, but the final step required me to pay for a re-issued license by credit card, which I obviously don’t have just yet. Fail!!! /rant.

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