GF1 Viewfinder

Mounted to the hot shoe.

You can flip the viewfinder up so you can look down into your camera as well.

Whatever date you had on your screen is now in the viewfinder (I always use grid lines to help me compose photos).

Today I got this Panasonic Viewfinder for my GF1. It comes in a sexy little pouch and mounts onto the hot shoe. It works really well, will force me to shoot old school styles when using the GF1 (as opposed to crazy new school styles with the GF6, shooting and focussing by touching the screen and shit) and will save a lot of battery juice too as I can operate the GF1 without using the screen from now on.

PS: Somebody stop me. Looks like I’ve got a new obsession?!

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2 Responses to GF1 Viewfinder

  1. Paul says:

    Nice looking setup for sure. I hear that the lumix glass fits the Olympus OMD EM5. It’s an amazing camera. Are you heading into doing more photography commercially?

  2. Justin Fox says:

    Nah Paul, not sure about yourself, but being paid to do what you love does sometimes eat into the passion a little, and right now I’m loving my new little re-kindled passion for photography so much that I’d rather not HAVE to take a photo by a certain time, on a certain day, in a certain way, for a certain someone. So for now, photography stays strictly as a fun and massively rewarding thing for me to do, without pay!

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