Cliff to Coast Sports Car Drives

A few weeks ago I got an invite from Gavin Little of Cliff to Coast Sports Car Drives to come out and enjoy a day of driving 911’s through the twisties. He also asked me to extend the invite to Pauline Nguyen, which I did, and it all came together yesterday; A glorious day of spirited driving with a diverse fleet of 911’s and just as diverse and interesting people to enjoy the day with.

Ved came along as well, so look out for a full feature on Zen Garage Blog soon. I only rattled off a few shots (as I was too busy driving, and chatting!), so for now, enjoy my thoughts on the various cars I got to drive (I’ve excluded the Boxster as I failed to take a photo of it, but hey let’s face it… I was here for the 911’s!).

For more info, visit:

Pauline and I were a little late due to horrible morning traffic, but hey, we made it!!! This is what greeted us when we got to Cliff to Coast Sports Car Drives which is situated in a business complex in Helesnburgh.

Gavin introduced us to the other people participating on the drive day with us. He made an effort to make sure it was going to be an interesting group of people, and too right we all got along really well throughout the day! The first car I got to drive was the 993, such a gorgeous shape. To my surprise it was auto! The auto held gears fine, but it just didn’t do it for me. The weighted assisted steering though, it’s to die for. The brake pedal needed serious muscle too, got to love old school! If this 993 was a manual it would have been my fave car of the day no doubt (would be so nice with a bit more sound too, would be perfect!).

Walkie talkies were used so Gavin could announce turn-offs and other important information whilst we were driving.

First stop: Brekkie at Cliff Hangar Cafe (I suggest the scones with cream and jam!).

Pauline and the 997. The 997 was the fastest of the bunch, plenty of grunt down low and just so comfortable and easy to drive. A bit detached for my liking, but would definitely make a very good everyday car.

Lunch and beers stop at Burrawang Hotel (which was really lovely!).

Next up was the black 996 (turbo body but unfortunately not a turbo!) which had aftermarket wheels, exhaust and a more aggressive alignment.

Suede steering wheel inside was the bomb and this car was my fave on the day in the twisties for sure, super planted, more sound and more feel.

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