China – Day 1

Kirkey drag seat spotted at the airport on the way to Shanghai! It got a lot of looks from people who were confused as to what it was.

The long flight to Shanghai (10hrs?) was the worst flight I’ve ever been on to date. This baby was crying, no… SCREAMING it’s lungs off for the entire flight. I assume the guy in the pink shirt is her daddy and mummy was not on the flight. Some women in desperation tried to help the guy out throughout the flight but she just kept on wailing (so hard that she was choking every 10 minutes). I felt most sorry for the people in the business class cabin directly in front as they paid big bucks for comfort (but got none of it!). We also had a family with 2 kids sitting in the row behind us and the little runt behind me was kicking the back of my seat throughout the flight. Awesome times.

At the airport earlier I was approached by Australian champion Sam Betten who’s on Triathlon Australia’s annual Young Guns Tour (they were going to compete in Beijing). He recognised me from my blog (Hey Sam!) which took me by surprise. It looks like he killed it too, you can check out the race results here.

Christina and Jess. We got in late and had dinner across the road from our hotel (lovely restaurant too, think Asian Moulin Rouge). The humidity was high (reminded me of Singapore) and we were super tired (I was still very mentally disturbed by the crying baby). That night I had a deeper sleep than I’ve had in ages. Day 2 coming up soon!

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