Caryn & Greg’s Wedding Byron Bay

Obligatory plane shot. I slept all the way as usual (teleporting is my specialty!).

Top Shop has changed! SO trendy now, amazing food and coffee!

Healthy hearty Byron Bay goodness. Made with so much love.

Caryn let Liz, Pete, Nancy and I rent her parent’s Solaris apartment. I’ve stayed in this very apartment when it was first built many years ago and fell in love with this silk painting of a lion fish. Loved seeing it again, and staying there again, such a sweet spot right on the main beach.

The plunge pool outside. Solaris has aged so well.

Dinner at Tree House the night before the wedding gave us all a chance to catch up with faces we hadn’t seen in over 10 years. Was a great night, live music, great food and amazing company (they make a really nice beer in-house too!).

Glorious Byron Bay food. I felt healthier with each bite!

We made it!

David walking Caryn down the aisle with Honey (who stole the show!).

Caryn and Greg. So so sweet.

Poached eggs with sourdough toast + pulled pork and chipotle relish at Bayleaf Cafe.

This poor puppy had to endure the ‘leave the bacon on the nose until told’ trick over and over again.

Pete’s T-shirt. Love it. Can you name them all? I could pretty easily!

Spotted at the airport on the way home.

Had a great weekend up in Byron for Caryn and Greg’s wedding. I went out with Caryn for 7 years. She was my hippy surfer girl. We first met when I was still doing my design internship during my last year of uni and we ended up running a really successful design business for many years (we even kept running it after we separated).

We’ve remained good friends since (I love that), and I couldn’t be happier that she’s met her man, Greg who I thought was a champ from the very first time I met him many years ago.

The wedding was so so sweet. Especially the heartfelt speeches. I’m honoured to be surrounded by such great friends. I’m also so glad I’ve been making the time to get out and do things lately. I impress myself! Once upon a time I was so lazy that I just found it easier to say no than yes, but this year has been a great year so far. I’ve done so much and feel like there’s a whole lot more to come.

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