Aquarium light stand

In preparation for the LED units I’ve ordered I set out to build a simple light stand to hang them on. I spent 2 hours in Bunnings last weekend (I heart Bunnings). I could have simply gone for 3 brackets to bolt into the wall or a connect-it style rack which would stand on top of the tank but instead I’ve tried to create something a little more minimalist.

The materials.

The stand (the current light on top of the tank will piss off and I’m hoping the hanging lights will look a lot cleaner).

Detail of how the light stand connects to the tank stand.

I used a simple “L” bracket to join the square tubing.

I also replaced the door knobs.

It’s pretty sturdy thanks to the thickness of the tubing. It’ll have to hold about 15kg and should do so no worries. I’ve always hated the tank stand and I’ll have to look into stripping it one day and making new minimalist doors for it.

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One Response to Aquarium light stand

  1. Carmen says:

    Dibs on your old light!!! =D

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