Another cat, maybe?

Little runt!

So the other day Christina asked if we could get another kitten, my instant reaction was “sure!”. Next thing I know Christina was so on the ball that we were out in whoop whoop yesterday afternoon at a breeder’s place checking out this little guy.

Totally different experience to last time. Strange guy, strange vibe. Pappa cat was 3yrs old jailed up in a glass shower and as small as Mia (I’ve seen massive Russian Blue males before and it’s what I’m after, a stud!) and Mamma blue was in a cage about 3ft wide with 2 very skinny looking babies.

Despite the breeder’s push to put a deposit down we thought we’d decline and our trip back home was spent discussing and digesting the experience. In the end we decided to give this little guy a miss, the hunt to find Mia a playmate continues! :)

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8 Responses to Another cat, maybe?

  1. russ says:

    Please don’t contribute to ‘backyard breeders’. Can’t stand to hear about animals being locked up like that.

  2. Justin Fox says:

    Love Bengals, bit wild though perhaps?!

  3. Carmen says:

    My friend is getting one from the breeder above. I’ll let you know but they seem pretty domestic now.

  4. Gabriel says:

    need to be cautious when getting a second cat. my wife got a second cat for our first cat thinking that it would keep her company and stuff. but they actually don’t get along that well, they usually just ignore each other even after they have known each other for about 4 years now? they sometimes fight and once in a blue moon they may help each other groom. guess it all depends though, every cat is different but thats just my experience. also cats can be quite jealous.

  5. Justin Fox says:

    Bengal is definitely out Carmen. I love the look of them lots but they’re way too hyper for my lazy ass.

    Gabriel – have definitely thought of that but Mia’s still a baby so she shouldn’t be so territorial yet. And being an indoor cat I reckon she could do with some company either way (whether she gets along with the little guy, or not!).

  6. Jing says:

    just get her a roomba like Jarod

  7. Alex says:

    Head to Kellyville Pets. Seriously, you’ll probably spend a whole day there.

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