




At first I started out taking inspiration from Pink Floyd’s iconic ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ album cover art, then Star Wars started making it’s way into the layers… it’s all good, right?!

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Update on my mental state

Just an update on my mental state. 3 weeks ago I ran out of meds (I’m on Quetiapine) and decided not to catch up with my psychiatrist as I’d really like to get off them. I instantly had issues getting to sleep, which I knew would happen as these little pills knock me the fuck out 30 minutes after I take one, but I thought I’d keep at it, and keep track of my patterns.

Initially I was getting really tired at around 8pm. I’d crash out, have broken sleep and get up at all sorts of hours. 2am, 3am but most of the time 4am. Sometimes I’ll nap during the day, but the napping doesn’t seem to help me catch up on sleep lost. I basically feel like I haven’t slept right for 3 weeks, and in the last week or so I’ve started to feel a little down again; down on energy, motivation, lack of direction… just generally feeling a bit heavy.

I’ve been keeping busy, but the days feel so long. I’m doing more work as a graphic designer than I have in years, and I’m also getting out of the house more often too. I’m still smoking tobacco though (I’d really like to quit), and when I drink I drink to get drunk. I re-downloaded a dating app recently, and got a few matches, but I feel that I’m a little too transparent to start the chase with anyone just yet, if anything I still think that I’d rather save these women from myself, as no-one out there would truly want to be with a guy like me.

3 days ago I got back on the meds and I’ve had 3 nights of solid sleep. I caught up with the fam last weekend and had a cousin tell me that I seemed better, more lively and chatty than the week before. I don’t remember being any different a week ago, but who knows? Right now I feel a little defeated for getting back on these little pink pills. I also feel especially shitty about smoking tobacco and would really like to quit.

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Test shot!

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(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction


I’ve spent a good part of today re-working the thumbnails on the Threesome. web site (again!), giving logos more space on each thumbnail. I’ve also started going on a deleting spree on my own personal Instagram.

With my Instagram there are shots that I love, then there are shots that I loooooove. I’ve been deleting shots, silly hash tags (which were a sad attempt to gain more followers as I was still reeling from deleting my previous account of over 13k followers) and silly image descriptions too.

I’ve never been so tight with what I post. Lots of the time I post multiple images from a set as soon as I’ve completed it, but in retrospect it’s probably better to post multiple images from a set into a single multiple image post. I suppose I’m starting to treat Instagram more like a portfolio.

Shot selection is driving me nuts! The designer hat is on tight.

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Fundraiser for Sean Torstensson


I’ve been good friends with Sean for over 20 years. He has MS, and sadly, over the years it’s gotten worse. The last time I caught up with him was earlier this year in February and I was taken aback at just how much it’s affected him. We went for a walk down to the rock pool and he had a hard time balancing on the rocks, there was also a school of dolphins playing near the pool and he couldn’t see them.

Since then he’s been trying to raise money for treatment. Initially he got caught up in an online gambling scam (trying to raise funds) and no matter how hard I tried to convince him that it was a scam, he wouldn’t listen (which really broke my heart), but I’ve still been keeping tabs of his progress, and he’s now started a gofundme fundraiser in order to raise the funds.

He’s assured me that none of this money being raised on his gofundme page will be going into the scam, so I’m happy to share his fundraising page (link below). I know “spare change” doesn’t exist, but I’m assuming some of you on my friends list also share Sean as a friend, and some of you that might not know him have big hearts.

He’s a great guy, and I’m sure he’d really appreciate your support:

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When I feel like it I get to create these fun Instagram Spacewalk remixes. I give myself a couple of hours max to do 3 of them. Last time we took inspiration from Apollo 11, this time from Stanley Kubrick’s sci-fi masterpiece, “2001: A Space Odyssey”.

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Instagram Stories

Maroubra Beach.

Finally starting to use Instagram’s Stories feature for both my personal Instagram (getting cheeky with it lol), and Threesome’s too.

Sniper Sam Law has been to pretty much every single Threesome client meeting we’ve had. We’ve jokingly called him our documentarian! He’s come to a fair few local lunches too and he’s taken a whole lotta shots over the past few months.

We don’t run a blog, and didn’t want to fill our feed with food shots, but putting up all his shots in the stories section works well!

I’ve broken the story sections up into: Studio (all studio related stuff), Local (all Maroubra Beach related stuff), Process (a place to share WIP), Play. (random fun stuff we do) and Inspiration (a section where we can share stuff we love done by others).


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Viv in Black


New little set of Viv in black up on my Patreon:

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Spacewalk Agency has landed!

Studio Photographer Nick Turner is officially on board with Threesome. He’ll be heading up Spacewalk, our new creative content agency.

Exciting times! Follow:

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Business Cards






Asked Nick Turner for a little favour to shoot some cards for me. My current thick white letter-pressed card printed by The Distillery. My old card, which has my face on the front (vain much?!) and a tag by Scien from 123 Klan on the back, and Chris and Dianne’s Threesome cards (I’ve not got one yet, maybe later!).

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