Monday Morning Rant – Conqueror!

I rant about Destiny 2, as that’s pretty much all I’ve been doin’ lately!

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Nightfall: Grandmaster

Destiny 2 21_01_2022 8_51_02 AM

With over 2,500 hours into Destiny 2 you’d think I’d be OK at the game, but truth is I’ve mostly been avoiding the hardest PVE content in the game being Raids and Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes.

Grandmasters arguably require more refined builds and team coordination than any other activity in the game, and Bungie believes that “completion should be the primary metric for success, rather than score or time or another in-activity metric”.

I only needed to do one more Grandmaster for the title and this week’s Grandmaster happened to be “The Corrupted” which is considered to be one of the hardest Grandmasters in the game. This morning I created a random LFG group with 2 guys I’ve never played with, we had no comms (not even chat!) but we got it done first go!

I’ve completed a few Grandmasters since their introduction in 2021, but never earned the Conqueror title (which you get for completing triumphs like using all elements in a Grandmaster and completing 6 different Grandmasters). In going for the title I ended up rage quitting for almost a year (!), but this season I’ve finally got it and yes… it feels fucking good, man!

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Destiny 2 – Gilded Deadeye Seal




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Why I choose to play with a controller on PC

Been gaming… LOTS!

In this Monday Morning Rant I explain why I choose to play Destiny 2 on PC with a controller over mouse and keyboard.

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Monday Morning Rant – Gsxrclyde dog clip & The Matrix Resurrections

My stomach hurts.

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The Matrix Resurrections

In we go.

In 1999 The Matrix blew my mind and will forever be one of my fave films of all time.

Christian, my BFAM (Brother From Another Mother) gifted me access to his HBO on NYE to watch the new The Matrix Resurrections which I got around to watching last night.

Volume up and resolution cranked up to 4K I was immediately immersed once the green code appeared on the screen. Was it good? Fuck yeah it was great fun! The first Matrix was a masterpiece, so there’s really no point in trying to compare, but Resurrections was fan service and as a Matrix fan I’m 100% satisfied.

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Monday Morning Rant – I spent NYE alone

First rant of the year!

Anyone else spend NYE watching the fireworks on TV alone?!

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Happy New Year all!

At the beach with Viv.

Just wanted to say thanks to all those who support me for being me.

I want to thank the girls I shoot with and my Patrons especially as both of them have helped me to stay creative and also to keep me out of the red the past few years.

Viv moving into my place during lockdown helped me from losing my shit too, but she’s bought her own house (so excited for her!) and she’s now in the process of moving out. Truth is we shot a lot less living together than when we weren’t! It’s funny how life works like that sometimes.

I’ve got no plans but I do have a few shoots booked for the month and will continue to share all my photo sets on my Patreon, which is still my main source of income right now. I have tens of thousands of photos on my Patreon and 2 tiers; a $5/month tier and a special $50/month tier for the stuff that gets me banned on social media. If you’d like to support me please visit:

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Moody Grey Day shoot with Viv





Totally forgot about this shoot, ran out of space on my memory card, so swapped it out with a new one but forgot I hadn’t edited these shots off the old card! Find the full set on my Patreon soon:

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For the Wynns



Some of my Xmas haul for 2021!

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