Monday Morning Rant: I sold the GT-R

So many people seem to be so upset that I sold my R32 GT-R.

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Viv in Lace

All right in white.

Viv in an amazingly intricate lingerie set. Find this new photoshoot on my Patreon:

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I sold my GT-R

Yesterday I sold my R32 GT-R.

As usual I’m broke, and rego was up on both my cars (overdue actually as I’m terrible with opening mail as most if not all of it is bills!). I paid off rego and insurance on the Jazz and rather than once again paying rego for the GT-R I made a call to finally sell it. I made a post on my personal facebook profile and also on the ZEN Garage facebook page asking for $50K as is outlining the fact that the car has not been started for many years, it’s been sitting in a very dark damp garage by the beach and has a lot of rust and mould. I left my phone number and holy shit my phone absolutely blew the fuck up!

I literally got hundreds of SMS messages, and over 250+ messages on facebook. A whole majority of the messages were from people asking how much I’d be willing to let the car go for, or if the car was available, for current photos, for parts off the car or swaps with cars + cash. I ignored all of these messages and focused on the 10 or so people who truly knew what a bargain this deal was and were willing to drop absolutely everything to buy the car sight unseen. Out of this group of people I replied to people who I knew first and within an hour I had sold the car to a couple of really good dudes who dropped everything and were on their way straight to my place to secure the deal.

Then one of my best mates called first dibs.

As sorry as I was to call the 2 guys who were on their way over to tell them I’d sold the car I had to do it. They expressed how upset they were, and whilst pulled over on the side of the road they tried to offer me more money to secure the deal, but the deal was made.

I’m glad the car is going to a really good home, someone who’s had a lot to do with the build from the very start (I’ll not mention who he is for now, maybe later on as I’d hate for him to get bombarded with messages from people offering more money to flip the car). Who knows, once restored I’ll have the opportunity to drive it again. Even if so it’s not something I’m banking on, nor excited about.

I always thought I’d bring the GT-R to my grave, or even be buried in it, but life’s long and the longer I left it rotting there, the worse I was feeling. End of an era, for sure, but now that it’s sold I feel a HUGE weight lifted from my shoulders. I feel even more free.

Photo above by Mark Pakula. Find more photos on this Speedhunters Feature:

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Monday Morning Rant

I’m covid free, a new shoot with Viv, dramas with a client, manifestations and shit.

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I got Covid

Turns out my 30 year high school reunion was a superspreading event!

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30 Year High School Reunion


Smaller pre-meet at the pub.

Official meet at the cross.

Year 12 photo by Peter Furey.

A shot of me on the day I got my L plates and playing in front of the whole school (also shot by Peter Furey).

I attend my 30 Year High School Reunion. I had a bully apologise and I find out that an old mate has bowel cancer and his wife is expecting next week.

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A nice comment I got on the ZEN Garage blog. Really appreciate comments like this. It makes everything worth while.

Gday Justin

First a big thanks for wasting my entire Saturday arvo and evening. I found you down the rabbit hole when gorgeous Viv popped up in my mindless twitter scrolling yeserday.

Big up to ya for your hard work mate, bearing your soul to the world with your atriculate stories, great life photos and of course the hot photosets. I’ll subscribe on Patreon to support you and your work.

As I got to know ya yesterday I felt like I was reading about a bro from another mo… same age, same hometown, same penchant for multiple guitars, skateboards (I skated Gonz and Lance for a while), I just finished my performance-car life, getting old, switched for a hybrid vagina car but only subject to my Indonesian Mrs approving the purchase of a decent motorbike to keep scratchin that itch. I spent about 5 years in HKG – my Crybaby 545Q and a cool Squier strat mini both back here in syd via Tom Lee Music TST, best music shop south of Los Angeles IMO.

I was a billy muncher for far too many years to care counting – can;’t remembger anyway – and I quit the darts in 2019 after suffering a stoke.

Anyway mate, I’m not a fkn stalker but I wanted to reach out to you to say g’day and thank you for the entertainment and inspiration.

Your inspiration is on many fronts, but the photography front is prime. I kinda took parts in the great resignation, paid off my mortgage, and dropped far too much on a complete Nikon Mirorless setup, 7ZII and 6 of the most expensive zoom and prime and TC lenses. I spent a lifetime working as an importer, half my life in Asia, half my life here marketing shit to the masses and haccking it up in various photography studios. Aside from playing along badly to Hendrix, Zep, RHCP, and more, as my number one love, getting out shooting surfing, motorbikes, nature, and more is where I am headed.

Anyway mate, you’re a damn fkn fine c*nt and I look foward enjoying your work going forward. I’ll sub to Patreon a bit later today… the tough Indo Mrs is kickin my ass off the couch to do some chores while it’s sunny (you know how hat is right!).

Bagus Lan zai!

Lo Yeah Eddie

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Mere Mortals Podcast

I’m a guest on the Mere Mortals Podcast this week! Check it out on YouTube:

Excerpt: Justin Fox is the founder of Zen Garage, graphic designer and all around just a fascinating person.

In Conversation #72, Justin and I discuss: his artistic talents playing in bands and doing graphic design, our thoughts on the music industry and why it’s hard to be real, his emphasis on actually achieving things early on so you can be more content later on and how he has been able to create so many different communities and grow them.

As always, we hope you enjoy. Mere Mortals out!

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Monday Morning Rant

Happy Monday all, in this week’s Monday Morning Rant I rant about buying a cheap suit and my first photoshoot with the amazing Ms Audrey Jones.

PS: I’m over using a screen grab of myself for the thumbnail of these MMR’s so I’m going to start using an image which represents what I did in the week (and/or what I’m talking about in the rant!).

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Photoshoot with Anna Moon


Had my second shoot with tall and leggy Melbourne based Escort Anna Moon, who literally hopped off the plane and headed straight to my place for the shoot! Find our huge photo set on my Patreon:

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