Apartment update

I’ve been looking for concrete themed stuff for the apartment as the whole building has so much exposed concrete (which I love!). I impulse bought this concrete tray from Temple & Webster (along with the super plush rug pictured below) and sadly it’s a lot darker than the apartment concrete, it somehow looks a bit cheap too and feels quite rough as well.

They call the Honda Jazz the “Fit” in Japan. It never ceases to amaze me how much stuff this little car can pack!

Making IKEA furniture can be frustrating IF you don’t take your time following the instructions. I read a review of this couch that complained about the construction process, and that it took them 6hrs! I thought, surely not?! 4hrs later I was done… yup it was a lot more complicated than I thought it was going to be but I find this kinda stuff fun. It’s like playing LEGO!

Not quite the B&B Italia lounge I’ve always desired, but it’s an IKEA sofa bed (for guests) which I thought was both interesting looking and highly functional. The sofa backs can be moved around (I could put them in the centre so I can sit and play the guitar on the other side for example), the whole top half lifts up and there’s a tonne of storage space (perfect for 2 pillows, sheets and a blanket for guests).

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Monday Morning Rant

Have a great week all!

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Apartment update

I’ve been enjoying parking in the middle of my 2 carpark spaces which has made loading easier, but today this rude bastard’s Maserati was parked in one of my spaces.

I left a note on his windshield. Bastard!

2 of the spare bedrooms have these ugly mirrors. Mirrored wardrobe doors were so in fashion once. Personally I hate them! Gotta figure out how to cover up the mirrors somehow. White vinyl (temporary wallpaper) might be the go.

The walk in wardrobe in the master bedroom is an IKEA PAX system. It’s a beautiful dark brown wood finish but it’s covered up with these really dated bevelled door which are a MUCH darker brown (almost black) and just look so heavy. I’ve decided to remove the doors and rock an open closet (the shelves and other systems like shoe holders and drawers) in the lighter wood will look amazing. I just need to find 2 door replacements at IKEA for the last 2 doors closest to the wall (will most likely use full length mirror doors).

Wasn’t a fan of the cheap and high wearing rental carpet on inspection and it’s not grown on me over time either. It’s far from plush, and looks a bit corporate. I did a lot of research on carpets and it seems like wool is out, and polyester is in as it’s got great stain resistance, which is a great thing as Mia does throw up on my carpet from time to time and cleaning the carpets has always resulted in visible stains.

I found some really awesome looking polyester carpets online that had really nice texture. I went for a trip around the block the other day and it turns out one of the web sites I had checked out has a showroom in Rosebery. Whilst I was there I got a quote for laminate vinyl wood flooring too as they had a range that was on sale. That night when I went back to Maroubra Mia had spewed up in the bedroom! I took that as a sign to avoid carpet altogether and go for timber floors. I’ve since had them over the measure my space for a quote. The hard part will be choosing the right flooring as they can’t match the flooring that’s already in the apartment, and trying to match it might look silly, so I may have to go for something completely different (to contrast) to make it an obvious design choice.

Previous owners drilled this ugly IKEA console into the wall at the entrance with HUGE ugly white brackets. So annoying! Will remove it and either replace it with another console, or a bookshelf/display shelf for my toys, or a bench and shoe holder. Needsa more thought.

Still one of my fave original art pieces. This painting by Artist Abbey McCulloch adds a lot of colour to a white wall.

I was determined to never buy another IKEA product ever again, but after talking to Nick (Turner) about it the other day I think I came off as a bit of a brand snob. He mentioned that some pretty awesome designers are doing stuff for IKEA these days so I thought I’d drop in. I got there too early though, so thought I’d have a $5 breakfast whilst I waited for the store to open!

Impulse buying. I ended up buying WAY more stuff than I intended!

Respected British designer Ilse Crawford did some vases for IKEA so I thought I’d check them out. Bought the little matte black one for the bathroom and also bought a cheap IKEA 3 piece set (soap dispenser, toothbrush holder and tray) as it was also in matte black.

Perfecto! The matte black finish matches all my matte black bathroom hardware.

Also picked up this vase by Ilse Crawford.

Looks huge in the picture but it’s actually really small. Couldn’t resist this lamp. A solid marble base with a black braided cable which I paired with a naked LED bulb that looks great.

I was eyeing The Post Floor Lamp by Muuto design. Not cheap at $1,349. This looks and works a LOT like it for a fraction of the price so I pulled the trigger on it.

It’s very adjustable (can even point it up to the ceiling) and the back of each lamp is a massive push button so you can turn them on and off individually. The braided black cable is a nice touch too. IKEA are upping their game!

I’ve been really picking up the pace with the move and have been moving a car load’s worth of stuff every day for the past week. My Grandma used to check the lunar calendar to find the best date for me to move in to my previous houses, she’s not around anymore so my Mum has found a friend who can not only come over and bless my place, but she’s able to find me a good fortune date to move in too and it happens to be the 8th of Feb (my lucky number!).

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Farewell House of Photography

A goodbye note I sent through to a Boudoir Photographers community I’ve been a part of on Instagram:

HNY! Selling my house late last year has given me a new outlook on life. Not having to shoot to pay the bills and put food on the table has given me some freedom to ponder and I’ve realised that ever since design school in the late 90’s I’ve been spoilt by computers and lazy with my creativity.

I’m quitting photography (and social media) in an attempt to find more peace and get back to my roots which is drawing and painting.

Much thanks, love and respect for having me on board. It’s been a wild ride! Wishing you all the best! X

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Sushi Train Rosebery

Took a walk around the block and found a Sushi Train around the corner. SO happy!

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Monday Morning Rant

I bought $1k’s worth of underwear!

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Time to get moving!

Just bought this.

I did a car load the other day (the Jazz can fit a LOT!) and the multiple trips up and down from the carpark to the top floor almost killed me! This should make moving my crap so much easier!

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My Diablo Immortal reddit post got read out in a video

A post I made on reddit gets read out in it’s entirety in this video.

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A note to my Patrons and DeviantArt Subscribers


I actually have no more photos to edit right now. You’re all up to date! I’ve been thinking for some time now to quit photography. There are a few reasons:

1) Since I’ve sold my house I’m no longer in a position where I need to shoot in order to live. Having said that I truly appreciate all of the financial support I’ve gotten from you, my Patrons, over all these years. It’s been an amazing ride!

2) I’m an Artist and have always needed to create, but I feel that design and photography have been a little too easy, almost too convenient. I’d love to try and get back into drawing and painting again. Time will tell!

3) Sadly there’s a stigma attached to shooting the female form and one that I’m ready to move away from. From people condemning me for shooting “pornography” to having my work constantly removed from Instagram (and worse yet my accounts banned or deleted).

I’m 100% sure I will still shoot from time to time, but it’s not going to be a job for me anymore going forwards. I’m still unsure about what to do with my Patreon and DeviantArt for now. Do I delete everything or do I keep them up as an archive of sorts so people can still pay for access? Needs more thought!

Either way I hope everyone had a great new years break, here’s to 2023!

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Monday Morning Rant

Monday Morning Rant – HNY ALL!

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