Anna x Sarina x Milqu

Last Night’s Party.

Just recovering from a wild night with Anna, Sarina and Milqu, a Melborne based photographer that I’ve been meaning to meet for some time. I took a few shots when the sun was going down, and Milqu took over after dark (I was so happy to be shooting BTS shots once again as shooting BTS is my roots!).

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Jesse Wellens Need For Speed Payback Cringe

Every few years I’ll revisit this video just to have a good laugh, and remind myself to keep it real (I’m sure he makes perfect YouTube videos, but live is live, baby!).

Funny thing is the guy got his own car in the game despite his cringe performance, and what’s even funnier is that his car design has 2 ZEN stickers on it (our Low Life sticker and our Roundel logo design). Urgh… I didn’t know until now!

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Monday Morning Rant

This week I rant about potentially moving back into the city and finding the motivation to once again get involved in online communities.

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Diablo Immortal – Lozii


Just some photoshop fun of one of the Barbarians in our clan (Lozii).

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DeviantArt Subscriptions Avengers team

“Get involved get INfront!”, “ask questions” and “have something to say”, these were bylines that my good friend Dom Bartolo developed for the Australian INfront design community and words I’ve lived by for so many years.

Selling my GT-R, and then my house, and at first looking for an apartment close to the beach, but now considering a place closer to the city, and taking on a role as community leader of my gaming clan, and now being invited to join a team of artists to help potentially shape the future of DeviantArt… I feel like something is clicking back into place, and I like it!

Here’s an email I got this week from the Marketing Manager and Head of Artist Relations at DeviantArt:

Hi Justin,

Happy Wednesday! I hope all is well.

I’m working on putting together a group of about 30 artists on DA who use DA Subscriptions to create kind of a community/focus group. There would be opportunities to meet with the DA team. give feedback on the product, get an inside look at some analytics and insight and socialize with other artists and photographers in the space on our Discord.

There’s no contract or pay or time commitment or anything too formal. We basically just want to form a DA Subscriptions Avengers team that we can promote and help succeed and collect feedback from.

I would love to have you in the group if you’re interested in working with us. Let me know!

Thank you

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Community Leader

Welp! Despite trying to avoid the responsibility that comes with authority, I find myself once again in the position of Community Leader (for the record, I did not ask for the role), this time on the Diablo Immortal Australia Community Discord.

I’ve run and founded many successful online communities since the late 90’s, but in 2018 I hit rock bottom and I’ve shied away from the spotlight ever since. Where I was once so hungry to make more marks in the wall and add more feathers to my cap, I now just mostly don’t give a fuck.

That said; I did ask Heazy for admin access to the Guys & Gals Gaming discord a while back as I felt that I consistently put energy into contributing ideas and posts to the discord, but I was denied the role.

Heazy has ALWAYS put every single little thing to a vote when he was leader. What blows my mind is that as a clan, we didn’t get to vote on who will be our new clan leader. I believe this is where things started to go off the tracks.

For the past week I’ve felt like the jam in the middle. I love Heazy to bits, and I’ve slowly but surely been getting to know our new leader CrazyGoatVapes. IMO it’s absolutely nuts that Heazy would not give admin access to CrazyGoatVapes for the discord. From my experience, you simply cannot grow and run a community without admin access.

I saw that CrazyGoatVapes had started a new discord server, and when I saw this I pleaded with Heazy to just give CrazyGoatVapes admin access to Guys & Gals Gaming so we can just move on, but nope, Heazy refused, and nek minnit CrazyGoatVapes went to town with inviting you all over here.

When Heazy saw that CrazyGoatVapes had literally copied the Guys & Girls Gaming discord channel for channel, word for word, he was pretty cut (understandably), so I’ve asked for admin access to make some tweaks going forwards (and I started the “word-game” channel as a fun way for members to contribute, an idea I wanted to implement on Guys & Gals Gaming which Heazy didn’t approve).

Ultimately the way I see it, is that Guys & Gals Gaming is more of an umbrella discord. It’s not tied in to one specific game (though it has been tied in to DI too much IMHO), it’s more about Australian guys and girls who game. That way if a game dies, the community stays alive. I truly hope Heazy keeps it going, and I put my hand up to back him if he’ll accept my help.

Anyways, just wanted to get all that off my chest because that’s how I roll. Hoping to avoid bad vibes and to keep the peace!


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Monday Morning Rant – The house is SOLD!

Sold the house last week! I now have 6 months to find the right place, pack up and move out!

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House is sold!

House is sold! Contracts signed. I feel relieved!

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Some more F2P thoughts

Why are games still $100? Bus tickets were 20 cents when I was a kid, $8 movies in the cinema, in fact everything has gone up in price over the years, but games are still $100 (and very rarely more than that). Personally, I would say it’s fair to pay $300+ for a good game in 2022 so long as it had no micro-transactions, but since that seems a little crazy, it makes sense that cash shops HAVE to be in today’s games, and maybe the P2W model is the only way forwards.

What’s truly fascinating is that P2W wasn’t created by developers, but instead by players. Players wanted to pay to win. There was a huge demand there, so 3rd parties created web sites where players could buy materials, gold, weapons etc. It’s obvious devs caught on to this, and so they started putting P2W into their own games instead of allowing 3rd party services to profit?

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Understanding the psychology of a “F2P” player

We’re 5 months into Diablo Immortal and I’m honestly surprised at how many completely Free to Play (F2P) players there are out there, both on this reddit, and on my server.

To be able to constantly ignore the devs trying to bait you to spend your money, and also to be OK with playing against some very strong Pay to Win (P2W) players (especially in regards to PVP) every single time you play DI.

I’ve seen a few F2P players put in massive hours grinding to flex huge stats that even some P2W players haven’t achieved, and I’ve also seen a few players play regularly, but more casually, and these players are often below the server paragon level and need to be carried through harder content, yet they happily log in and enjoy the game daily.

The whole F2P system, generally speaking, is predatory. So those who know best probably stay away from F2P games to begin with (and prefer to pay a one off price for a complete game with no micro-transactions), but I think long term F2P players are an interesting breed.

In the grand scheme of things, is someone who has played DI completely for free since launch winning over someone who’s paid to win for some convenience (inventory space for example via boon) and more power (and potentially more enjoyment?).

What I’m curious about is the psychology of long term F2P players. Do F2P players feel like they’re winning against “the system” by playing this game for free? IE: They feel like they are getting enjoyment without the pain and disgust from paying for it, and that challenge (of not paying Blizzard/NetEase) alone is what drives them? Or is it more a competition against other players who do P2W?

Not at all having a go at anyone. I’m just curious. Hoping some F2P players who have been playing completely free since launch will chime in and share some insights.

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