Alocasia Babies


Found a guy (Sirius) on Facebook marketplace who was selling baby alocasias. I could clearly see in his photos that he was growing them in leca (semi-hydroponics) which is perfect as that’s what I’m using for most my plant cuttings which are doing amazing (lots of root growth and some have even pushed out new leaves!), best of all he lives literally 10 minutes down my street!

I swung past to pick up 4 plants, but walked away with 7 (since I took the lot he sold them all to me for $10 each).

Super nice guy who shared a lot of advice. The best tips he gave me was to note that alocasia’s are very hardy plants (despite what many say), and that insects/pests (particularly spider mites) are almost unavoidable and basically part of the hobby (again, similar to pests and algae issues in aquaria). He also said that alocasias don’t particularly need super high humidity and that he kept all of his at 60-65. I was previously freaking out when my humidity hit 60 (most of the day it’s at 70-80 in the cabinet).

He has more plants to sell, but I’ve legit got no more room in the cabinet now (especially with the rate things are growing at). I somehow doubt that’s going to slow me down from buying more plants though!

Plants: Alocasia Black Velvet, Pink Princess, Green Shield, Green Velvet and Melo.

PS: Follow Sirius on Instagram: @hemanlikesplants

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Apartment update

Mia has settled in really nicely!

No bedside table? No worries!

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More Plants

Walked over to More Plants again today (yes it’s a walk away!) and picked up a couple more plants for my cabinet. I caved and bought the Alocasia Longiloba ‘May’ (Hybrid), which I fell in love with the first time I visited the store 3 weeks ago (SO surprised it was still there!). Also bought a Philodendron Billietiae in an attempt to fill up the top half of the cabinet.

Coming together nicely! Still have some cuttings from the garden in there that don’t suit the aroid theme. Will most likely remove them at some point.

Got roots?! Leca is amazing!

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We won all our wars this week and we’re back in the top 10 clans on the server. SO GOOD! Very proud of my clan!

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Finally moving in (with Mia!)


Viv and I woke up in Maroubra this morning and got packing. I left my car at Rosebery, but we managed to pack up my PC, speakers, cat litter, cat food and… Mia in her Audi TT!

As expected, Mia pretty much cried all the way over, and some more once we got here, but she was exploring, she ate some wet food and get this… she used her new kitty litter too (the litter shaped like a plant)!

It’s 5pm now and she’s finally conked out on the couch. Looks like we’ll be fine :)

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Queen Anthurium

Queen Anthurium.

The goal is to successfully grow and own a mature Queen Anthurium, a rare (VERY expensive) plant that has amazing foliage.

Of all places, a Diablo Immortal Australia Clan member sent me a screen grab of a baby queen for ‘quick sale’ by a guy named Atian Tsai on Facebook. I was willing to jump on it for $150, but then I found out the guy selling it was in QLD. Old mate then told me that Atian sends orchids from QLD to WA so shipping shouldn’t be an issue. I reached out to Atian, transaction was made and I now have the plant!

Atian sent me a LONG message to say how hard baby queens are to keep alive. It was pretty gloomy and doomy, but the plant arrived in great condition. The humidity is sitting really nice at 80+ in my cabinet. I’m feeling hopeful!

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Hairspray the musical.

Viv LOVES musicals, but musicals aren’t my thing. I’ve always found them trippy AF. One second you’re watching a normal movie, next second they break out into song!

Viv was determined to get me to see one with her though, so a little while back we watched Hairspray the movie, then yesterday we watched Hairspray the musical live. Still not really my kinda thing, but it was fun, the crowd (mostly older ladies) were super into it, the stage stuff was smart, performances were great and overall I appreciated that it was all live.

Suggesting that I might prefer something a bit darker, later that night she made me watch Phantom of the Opera (the movie). 2 musicals in one day?! WTF is going on lol!

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Apartment update

Getting somewhere!

Less is more?

New Koala mattress.

Table is WAY too small!

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IKEA Rudsta Greenhouse Project

Weatherstripping added to the plant cabinet to keep the humidity up.

Humidity is staying steady at 75%! Not bad at all! The more fussy/rare plants should do AOK!

Fan for airflow tucked away in the bottom corner.

The day after I got my latest plants (from Growing Grounds) into the cabinet I was devastated to find that the large Anthurium was all droopy. The substrate was dry. Not enough water? Were my lights on for too long (timer has them on for 12hrs), or are they too powerful (I had them at 20% power)? Was the plant in shock from the move? Was there not enough humidity? I went down a huge rabbit hole thinking that a lack of humidity was the issue THEN my hydrometer turned up and it turns out that the humidity in my cabinet stays pretty stable at 75%, so all that research I did on potentially getting a humidifier for the cabinet was just wasted time (but hey research is fun!).

The other 2 plants (Alocasia Watsoniana and Amazonica) are doing fine, but it looks like I may lose a leaf from the Anthurium Clarinervium.

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IKEA Rudsta Greenhouse Project

IKEA greenhouse cabinet finally has some plants in it!

Need many more so I can up the humidity (I’ve installed a fan in there for air flow and also added a fair bit of weatherstripping to keep the humidity in as the aroids I’ll be growing love high humidity). Got to replace all pots and vases with black pots too of-course!

New plants from Growing Grounds: Alocasia Watsoniana, Alocasia Amazonica and Anthurium Clarinervium.

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