Spiritual Awakening





Viv cleansed my house by burning sage the day before it was open for inspection to potential buyers, turns out the house sold pretty much the next day!

She’s back in town and we’re catching up today to plan an overseas trip to Peru or Costa Rica in the new year to try ayahuasca.

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Photoshoot with Abby Cremolicious and Wippa_Snippa


Drove out into the sticks on Monday to shoot at Abby’s place. She had her boyfriend Scotty and good friend Wippa_Snippa there too. Another shoot that felt more like a party! Find the full photo set on my Patreon and DeviantArt soon!

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Photo by Saint Leo Valentine.

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Monday Morning Rant

The week that was!

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Sold the house so I thought I’d buy myself a new ride


I used to dream of owning a GT3. Now that I can quite comfortably afford one I’m honestly not at all interested in owning one. On the one hand I’m happy to see the old ZEN plates on such a rad car, but on the other I just wish they were on something more original.

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Diablo Immortal – Australia Clan

Just one of those Twitch Gaming Clan style logos for the clan!

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Diablo Immortal – Tazzly

Original photo.

Just another fun photoshop for one of the most active players in our clan.

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I’ve found my new home












I’m blessed that the sale of my house was such a quick process (it sold in less than a week and never made it to auction). I’m also blessed that (despite having a 6 month settlement) I’ve managed to find an apartment that I actually like (both the apartment and the area). I inspected this apartment twice, did as much research on it as I could before having lawyers look at the contract, and after a little to and fro on an offer I’m happy to say that my offer has ben accepted and the apartment is mine!

The apartment building itself is 3 years old (still quite new) and massive at 100 units, but it doesn’t feel that way as it’s actually 2 buildings, and it’s got a really open outside/inside internal void design which is unlike most apartments with dark hallways and residential doors. Being on the top floor I see open sky instead of ceilings when the lift opens up on my floor, and my apartment also doesn’t have any shared walls which is a huge plus for more quiet and privacy.

Designed wise, the building exterior was designed by Environa Studio and the interior was designed by Bennett Murada who have chosen to use a lot of concrete facades which I love. It’s a spacious three-bedroom penthouse apartment with high ceilings and a massive wrap around balcony, plenty of sunlight and an awesome private rooftop terrace. It’s also directly under the flight path, but hey… I don’t mind planes! Reminds me of sci-fi films and anime where people living on earth dream of flying to a better place!

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House Renovation Photos

Deck before.

Deck after.

Deck steps into garden before.

Steps and deck after.

Entrance before.

Entrance after.

Kitchen before.

Kitchen after.

Bedroom before.

Bedroom after.

Bathroom before.

Bathroom after.

Floating bench in bathroom.

Just for the record, and the memories. These renovations were done in 2009. I truly had a LOT of fun designing the deck and the kitchen the most.

I’ve been meaning to get these photos back on my blog for ages! At some stage Flickr stopped letting everyone hotlink to their photos, so a lot of my posts on various forums have broken images. My Flickr is still up though, and I still have access to it.

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Anna x Sarina x Milqu

Last Night’s Party.

Just recovering from a wild night with Anna, Sarina and Milqu, a Melborne based photographer that I’ve been meaning to meet for some time. I took a few shots when the sun was going down, and Milqu took over after dark (I was so happy to be shooting BTS shots once again as shooting BTS is my roots!).

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