IRL catch up with Tazzly and Lacivious


Yesterday I met up in real life with 2 awesome Diablo Immortal players (Tazz and Laci) who ended up being 2 totally awesome human beings! We had beers at The Coogee Bay Hotel, then lunch at The Pavillion, then back to the Coogee Bay Hotel for more beers!

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Monday Morning Rant – A weekend with Isla Fae

I spent the weekend with the lovely Isla Fae.

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St Dreux




Coffee and catchups with these 2 beautiful humans.

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Isla Fae


I’ve been in touch with Melbourne based companion Isla Fae for over a year now. We’ve been meaning to shoot ever since and I’m super happy to say that it’s finally happening today!

Isla’s flying to Sydney this morning and will be staying at my place for the next few nights. I’m sure we’ll create a lot of awesome photos together!

For more on Isla, visit:

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But… I’m a cat guy!


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Monday Morning Rant

Have a great week all!

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Diablo Immortal – Margot Robbie as The Countess

Had this image floating around in my mind for a while. Aussie actress Margot Robbie as The Countess from Forgotten Tower.

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Lunch with the relos at Sake. Have been to Sake a few times now, memorable company, but the food not so much!

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Anna x Sarina x Milqu




All the photos from my shoot with Sarina, Anna and Milqu are now up on my DeviantArt and making their way to my Patreon too.

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Monday Morning Rant

I have a confession to make.

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