Signature Sound – Testimonial

Thanks to Leslie, Steve, Benny and the entire Signature Sound community I am now officially a published author!

I’m so grateful to have been invited into this group and this book project. The biggest highlight for me was being invited to speak our in-progress pieces out loud over multiple “Reverb Sessions”, which were live video calls with mentors Leslie, Steve, Benny as well as writers involved with the book project. These calls were emotionally charged, super vulnerable and so precious. Literal tears were shed!

Leslie, Steve and Benny have created a safe space for creators to share their unfinished work and gain constructive feedback to help refine our stories. The process of speaking my piece out loud in front of others alone helped me to gain confidence and new perspectives on how I could further develop and refine my writing.

All in all, such a highly rewarding and overtly positive experience that I won’t be forgetting any time soon!


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Signature Sound: “What do you sound like when you speak?”

It’s official – I’m a published author!

Book Depository:
Barnes & Noble:

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Monday Morning Rant – Diablo Immortal Dramas

Spilling the beans.

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Diablo IV

The hype is real! Pre-ordered. I know what I’ll be doing in June next year!

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Leader of the Clan

Australia Clan.

Life is full of ups and downs, right?! I had still been on a high from meeting up with clan members Tazzly and Lacivious IRL, then yesterday Tazzly stepped down as officer, and on the same day CrazyGoatVapes stepped down as leader. Despite insisting that I did not want this role, here I am, now the leader of Australia Clan.

I’ve spent most of my life designing and running online communities and I LOVE this one, but I’m not cut out for WAR and all the dramas and strategising that come along with it. Personally I’ve been hyper aware that this is all by design though, by the game devs. I’ve never been into politics, which has helped me to find more peace, but I can understand and sympathise with those who choose to play that game.

It’s a new day. This morning I’ve been trying to focus on the positives of this situation. The biggest relief for me is that I can confidently say that I won’t be stepping down as officer, nor will I entertain the thought of leaving the clan to join another one. I’ve put some work into growing this community and I’m super glad and excited to continue to do so.

I’m still spinning, but with help from Tazzly I intend to find a new leader for our clan. I refuse to put leadership up for a vote (because voting is political). It’s just not how I roll. I’ll at the very least ask the clan for their input on who they think should be leader, or if anyone in the clan is interested in the role. Their input will be taken into consideration.

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Monday Morning Rant

In this morning’s Monday Morning Rant I rant about meeting 2 of my gamer friends in real life.

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Diablo Immortal Art – #eternaltips

Bruce Lee.

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Diablo Immortal Art – It’s Husky!


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Isla Fae – Teaser shot

Just one shot from my recent shoot with the lovely Isla Fae.

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Viv and Minty




New shoot with Viv and Minty is making it’s way to my Patreon and DeviantArt now!

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