China Trip – Day #3

We got up earlier yesterday to make the trek out to Grandpa’s village.

The first house we checked out was one which Grandpa made for his younger brother, who sadly 15 years ago was robbed and murdered in this house (and even sadder, people only found his body days later AND the killer has never been found).

Photo of his brother, his house now abandoned and acting as a shrine of sorts.



We then made our way to Grandpa’s house.

There were a fair few villagers there ready for our arrival so the traditional ceremonies kicked off right away with deafening crackers!

We all made a beeline to a wall of photos next to a shrine. This is Grandpa!


Mum cleaning the photo.



Yeah, cousins know how to dress!


I saw lots of this stuff drying out on slabs of concrete, it’s turnip for pig food!


Haha! My Uncle Julius rocks the ZEN Snapback so well!



Yeah Indo men, we drink and smoke! We then had a feast, eating all the food that was prepared for Grandpa earlier. The food we were eating was raised in the village too. So rad.

Mum meeting one of her cousins for the very first time. This guy drinks 3 bottles of a red a day, and smokes like a chimney. Happy life!

Cheers! We stayed here a while and I waxed lyrical a bit too (red wine does that to me!). I live for this!

I then got a scooter ride down to visit the last living brother.

On the way we stopped by the house in which Grandpa grew up in until he was 13 (funny that the house number was 13 too), this house was in a pretty bad state now with nothing but chickens living in it.




I was pretty welled up with emotions, as you can see in this photo. Was so hard to contain!

Family after family, house after house.

Super cute village girls!

And another family, the little kid was super naughty, as soon as he saw me he threw stuff in my face!

Tea, we had LOTS of it in each house. Each house owner would pour us tea, shove food in our faces and tell us stories, both happy ones and sad ones. I loved it.

With happy hearts we left the village and by the time we got back to the city it was dinner time.

I really wasn’t hungry at all, but when in doubt, power out!


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China Trip – Day #2

6.30AM, I’m the first at Buffet Breakfast (as usual!!!).

OMG where do I start?! Mum loves a good buffet brekkie too!

So much variety. I could eat here all day!

I had a little trouble getting to sleep last night. No weed, and YouTube has been banned on the Hotel WiFi (so too all video streaming services) so I couldn’t use that to help me get to sleep (couldn’t figure the TV out lol!). I ended up having to raid the mini-fridge.

Morning view from my room.

That China haze, but at least the sky is blue-ish?!

My Uncle Julius is a big time lawyer in Indo (and he loves his new hat!).

All aboard the bus!

Our first stop was to visit my brother’s HUGE print factory (one of 5 in China!).

At the entrance, this awesome Heidelberg which is pretty much exactly the same one which The Distillery used to print my businsess cards (which cost $4 each to make!!!).

These guys can also do in-house design work.

And some of their clients include: Disney…

… And Aussie clients!

And Home Depot!

And they make packaging for anything, from TV’s to inflatable pools.

One of many huge machines, this one seemed to cut paper into different sizes.

This is their latest machine which cost a cool US $7 million (!!!).

They even have their own Ista certified test lab to test all the boxes (and ensure products inside them are safe).

Laser cut goods.

And here are just some of the goods they’ve made in the past. I’ve now got a great contact at the factory that speaks amazing english! ZEN BOXES TO COME!!!!!!

Yum Cha was amaze. So China, so good!

Indo men, we smoke!

Loved the coffee ashtray touch at this cafe.



This took me by surprise and reminds me of seeing UFO’s in Ancient Egyptian wall art.

We then visited the home that my Grandpa made for his adopted kids 50+ years ago. Check it out, it’s so Architecturally unique, so solid (they sure as hell built houses differently back in the day!). I think it’ll last forever.

The courtyard, I’d so do my Wing Chun here.

Solid granite handrail and staircase all the way to the 3rd floor where the lady of the house took her own life. I was asked if I’d like to check out the 3rd floor but out of respect I decided not to go up.

There are now many buildings across the road from the house but back in the day it was the only house around.

After spending some time at the house, we did a bit of shopping.

Dinner was even more amaze than lunch as I ate and drank a whole lotta stuff I’ve never had before!

We have a B’Day on the trip!


Loved how long the B’Day paused for when asked to make a wish, man it must have been one seriously heavy wish…

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China Trip – Day #1

7AM brekkie at the Qantas Lounge, Mum travels in style!!!

Goodie bags.

Massage chair?! Bring it on! In truth I just ended up laying it flat and sleeping most of the way.

Go Perry!

Over Hong Kong somewhere.

Hey the relos… they’re cool!

A short flight from HK where we met up with family and we’ve just landed in Xiamen and booked into a hotel WAY classier than what I was expecting!!! The Shangri-La.

A while back Mum asked if I’d like to tag along on a journey to China, to see the area in which my Grandpa was born. Grandpa was an amazing man from what I’ve heard. He created an empire with Imora Motor (Honda in Indonesia), had 2 wives (which has been my goal in life ever since hearing about it when I was a teen), he adopted children into our HUGE family and he was still working the day before he died (that kinda guy!).

Seeing his place of rest in Indo many years ago left a lasting impression on me so I jumped at the opportunity to tag along! I’ll be here until the new years and I have no idea what to expect, but my camera is packed and ready!

PS: Looks like Instagram and Facebook are banned here in China! I can’t access!!!

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Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend.


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Through The White Glasses Logo Design


Final TTWG logo design I’ve been working on with my current design junior Louis Queenin for Dino Dalle Carbonare’s upcoming channel ‘Through The White Glasses’.

Would look really nice on a business card design me thinks!

Subscribe early! Visit:

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Warframe – unboxing limited edition collector’s statues





Merry Xmas to me! I took advantage of Warframe’s recent store-wide sale and bought the rest of the statues.

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Fat Soy @ Chaco bar with Mark Pakula




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Meet my Mage, David Jivan

Meet my Mage, my Wizzard David Jivan – Naturopath

I last saw David about 15 years ago. I’d been suffering from IBS since I was a kid and with David’s help I managed to control and overcome that shit.

Last time David had me on a very black and white diet which I just couldn’t keep up, but I was young, and I see how he needed to be hard on me in order to see change. This time I’ve come back a man, and in need of real help and I had a hunch that David would be all ears, and too right he was.

I’ve been watching a lot of Joe Rogan’s shows, he often has amazing human beings from athletes to scientists to archeologists and everything in between. Joe’s a smoker, and often brings smoking up in conversations with his guests (I feel he almost pushes it). I’ve often found conversations around the fact that some of the world’s best athletes smoke interesting, specifically how smoking is bad for you, and how does an athlete negate the negative side effects of smoking, or is there even a way?

That inevitably had me asking Mum if she could set up a meeting with her Naturopath David Jivan, and today I got to spend a couple of hours with the man with the ‘loose’ plan. Loose being the key word here and after I’ve stated my whole story in the privacy of his sanctum (in front of my Mum too), he’s more than willing to help me achieve baby steps in order to get to a happier place.

There’s a plan in action, but he’s also mixed up some special potions for me to take home. It’s these potions I really wanted out of this meeting today. These magic potions that will help me to negate the harmful effects of smoking. It’s no solution, but it’s still a small step and small steps back into the light are just what I need right now.

PS: David will be on TV this Sunday on House of Wellness at 10am Channel 7TWO. Looks like TV is his new thing, suits him too has he fills the room with energy this guy. Timing is funny too as I’ll be putting myself in front of the camera more next year if all goes to plan!

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Warframe Progress

The Azima, 100 Day login reward.

I’ve reached Mastery Rank 23 in 3 months flat (#thegrind). These MR Tests are getting ridiculous!

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Never underestimate the power of a phone call

So what’s with all this attitude at 42? Understandable if I was young, but telling the boss of an international brand that you think you love the brand more than he does sounds pretty damn arrogant, and that’s exactly what I said to Jose Angeles, the big man at Toyo Tyres Australia a couple of years ago during our first meeting.

Over the years I’ve developed an interesting relationship with most of my clients. It takes a lot for a client to take risks on me and allow me to work the way I want to work, because if you try to make me work the way everybody else does… well then there’s friction, and well, then basically nothing gets done.

I got a message from Nicholas Green yesterday. Nick has been a middle man of sorts in my relationship with Toyo. He simply asked for a Toyo update and I lost my shit.

It’s funny how much pressure we put on ourselves. It’s funny how much pressure money puts on me and how much pressure I put on money. In a time where I’m hyper aware of how little energy I have for anything but working on personal issues and gaming, I still wake up with ZEN and Toyo on the brain and if I scroll through my feeds, though there are less posts I still see ZEN and Toyo posts in the mix.

It’s this natural connect that is important to me and I love that Toyo and many other of my clients leave me alone to do what I like when I like, but for some reason, a simple question from Nick yesterday made me feel an immense pressure, like what I was doing wasn’t enough, like maybe we should just drop the relationship, like what the hell was I thinking?

It’s taken a few deep breaths, an apology, and a phone call to both Nick and Jose to calm me down. Thanks Nick, and Jose for being pillars and mirrors for me. I didn’t like what I saw in the reflection, but I’m glad I’ve seen it, and I’m massively grateful for the support.

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