China Trip – Day #10 – Hong Kong









Repulse Bay.

The trip has kinda fallen apart here in HK. Where we were all staying in the same hotel in China, and boarding the same tour bus every day and doing everything together, we’re split up over 3 different hotels here in HK, and there’s no tour bus either. Everyone seems to have contacts to catch up with whilst they’re here (or shopping!), which has seen some people skip family dinners (myself included the other night when I drank a little too much before dinner in the hotel room!!!).

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China Trip – Day #9 – Hong Kong


Exercising whilst you’re on your computer! Oh man I swear I had this exact concept YEARS ago! So good to see someone actually make it!

Tung Choi St.

KARAOKE Round 2!

My hotel Ciggy Break spot #bladerunner

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China Trip – Day #8 – Hong Kong

God damn my cousins dress cool!

The Godfather!



Nothing here in Hong Kong but brand label shopping, shoulder barging, fucked service and MSG. SO HOMESICK. Can’t wait to get home and slay. #IHATEHK

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China Trip – Day #7 – Hong Kong






Matrix Steak.

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China Trip – Day #6 – Hong Kong


When in HK one must Ho Hung Kee.

Hanging out with my young cuz Anthony, the super car buster!


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My thoughts and experiences on seeking help via Counselling

Last year was savage. I hit a new low and kinda got trapped under the weight of it all for a bit. Lows are nothing new for me. I’m an Artist so having high highs and low lows is always expected, if anything I strive on being able to feel and express a whole range of emotions, ‘better out than in’ as they say, but it’s amazing how much I’ve kept in over the years.

At some point I decided to take the reigns again and share the bad shit as well as the good shit. Why? Because it’s real. I found myself being screwed over by fuckheads, only to resolve issues with them in private, then to forever bare the weight of the fact that I did nothing wrong, and they did everything wrong, yet I’m the one who fucking loses out as no one knows the truth. Resentment issues? Yeah I have plenty of them, so at some point last year I decided enough was enough and I’ve been sharing both ups and downs since.

They say ‘family comes first’. It’s a saying I’ve really been struggling with for the last couple of years. My sister and I had a falling out almost 2 years ago now, and we’ve not seen each other since. Out of respect for my sister I won’t go into the details, but my sister and I not getting along almost killed my mother (there’s only us 3 in the family afterall), and being a mummy’s boy I was willing to try absolutely anything to to save mum from the pain, so that meant agreeing to see a counsellor, something I’d never do as I like to think I can help myself, and something I was pretty afraid of (pandoras box, you know?!).

Our family doctor referred a counsellor to my Mum, who then booked in to see her a few times, from there the counsellor has met up with my mother and I at the same time, my sister and my mother at the same time, and myself alone once too. Just so you’re aware, this is still very much in progress, and it’s still as raw as ever, but I’ve already found some peace through the counselling sessions thus far, and I think that alone is worth sharing, so hopefully I’ll be able to skirt around the specifics, yet still share some of the ways in which counselling has helped me get through the fog.

I’d been to a counsellor before, many years ago an ex-girlfriend and I went out for 7 years, we practically grew up together. She saw a counsellor first, then at some stage I was called in to see the counsellor with her, and me being the open book I am I just made sure I was as honest as I could be, and one session was all it took for our 7 year relationship to come to a definitive end. The counsellor sat next to my ex on a couch, arm around her, with tissues, and I was sat in a single chair and asked some tough questions. At some point I said something along the lines of “sometimes I don’t trust myself”… and the counsellor then looked at my ex, and ask her, do you want to be with a man who doesn’t trust himself? I mean, shit, she literally closed the door and that was that. The counsellor even commended me on being so honest and that it’s taken some of her male customers 5 years to come as clean as I have… Savage.

Going into this first session I couldn’t help but think of conspiracy, that counsellors take the side of whoever is paying the bill… but hey, I wasn’t about to do anything different, in fact I was determined to be as open as I possibly could. The counsellors office was nothing like I expected, the lady across from me was nothing like I expected, I was just trying my best to breathe, and not judge, but on the other hand I wanted to try and make sure this woman wasn’t taking my mother for a ride too.

To say the first session left me feeling more frustrated and confused than ever is an understatement. There I was trying to “sell” my side of the story, only to have it all thrown back in my face. The counsellor didn’t buy any of it. ZEN? She let me know that the person sitting in front of her didn’t at all seem like the MR ZEN I was describing. Fuck she was bang on. That hit me pretty hard, and from that point onwards I was in, and willing to go the distance and not judge.

Another session I had with the counsellor alone went for almost 2 hours, and we got pretty damn deep and I got a lot of out it. What she did that helped me the most was catch me out more than a few times. She got me to ramble, and then she’d pop a question, I’d argue it, then she’d catch me out on a few things. For example; she suggested that if I could instead of saying “I hate kids”, to word it a little softer. I’d say I didn’t say I hated kids, then she’d correct me and say well, yes you just said “I hate kids” 3 times in the past 5 minutes. It’s hard to explain, but it’s this constant checking and reflecting that I found worked for me. It’s like the counsellor was acting like a mirror, but the reflection she was showing me in her mirror was way different to the person I was seeing in my own mirror.

Ultimately, you have to make things work for yourself, right? Like when I was in design school; you could either just do the assignments, say an A4 poster for the guide dog association, where every student hands in just that, an A4 piece of paper with dogs on it, or you could make the course work for yourself, and fuck putting dogs on it, fuck make it A0! You might end up with something rad that you’re more proud of in your folio as opposed to something that looks like everybody else’s shit.

So I’m making these sessions work for myself. The counsellor offered to help write an apology letter to my sister, but fuck that… if my sister ever found out the counsellor even as much as suggested a comma or full stop it might have sabotaged the whole thing. It had to come from me, and you know, that’s kinda where I took over.

I’m pretty cunning with my words. Writing up a convincing apology letter wouldn’t be a hard thing to do… but this had to be real. I had to drop all the fake shit, the ego (I have a HUGE ego, right?!), I had to strip it all back.

I had to be really sorry.

ZEN, cars, girls… I had to strip value from all the stuff that made me comfortable with being me, and I had to find the little boy who used to walk hand in hand with his little sister to the corner store to buy a 40c bag of lollies to share.

Doing so saw me drop to an all time low health wise. I was 52kg’s last year (I’m meant to be 58kgs), one of my teeth rotted and fell out (others are kinda on the way now too) and I have a fair few new white as fuck hairs on my face and head, but hey, that apology letter finally came out, it was real as fuck, and despite not getting an acknowledgement from my sister that she got my letter of apology to this day, I somehow found some peace in just writing it. I suppose you could say I was proud of myself for being real real, and although her silence kills me, I still feel better for writing and sending it.

Time flies and this last Xmas was the 2nd year in which my sister and I didn’t see each other, but ‘time heals’ too apparently (all these cheesy sayings I’ve always rejected in life are all of a sudden so valuable to me). I’m not sure how many more counselling sessions it’ll take for us to be a family unit again, or if we’ll even get there, but as I’ve stated already; I’ve already found some peace, enough peace to be patient, enough patience to be hopeful.

PS: THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE PM’S! I’ve been chatting to a woman with cancer, a man who’s spent $70k on counselling, a guy on a mission with his brand, and everything in-between. My problems feel all of a sudden a little insignificant, but hey, we’re all fighting our own battles right?! Here’s to winning the fight!

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China Trip – Day #5 – Hong Kong

JR Marriott.

Fatty Tuna, Urchin and Roe on sushi rice.

We lost a day in transit today. Everyone was moving super slow due to lack of sleep, and we’ve got a pretty big group so it almost got testing. We spent most of the morning trying to get on a plane in China, and once we finally landed in HK we got stuck in hardcore traffic as the streets were blocked off for a protest of some sort, the traffic was so bad that we didn’t get to our hotels by dinner time.

I’m not a huge fan of HK. I’ve visited Hong Kong more times than any other country I’m pretty sure, mainly because Mum and Dad used to take my sister and I every single year for one of their 2 business trips (Mum used to own a couple of high fashion stores in the CBD back in the day). When I was a kid I hated it that I couldn’t speak Chinese, just made me feel dumb, still does!

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Thanks and Praise

I’ve been meaning to reply to SO many people who’ve reached out to me in regards to counselling. Many who want to know more about the benefits, many who have even started to share their issues with me. In all truth I just haven’t had the energy to reply to most (you know that kills me), so I’ll be sure to make the effort in the next few weeks to give a much more detailed account of the bits that really worked for me.

In the meantime I wanted to share a heart warming message I got last night from Andrew Le. Reading it put more than just a smile on my face. I even read it out loud to Mum!

Hey Justin. How you doing buddy? Mate just wanted to personally wish you a happy new year, although we both get the luxury of enjoying 2 new years with Chinese new year approaching soon.

I also wanted to thank you for all the hard work and dedication and love that you’ve contributed to the car communities and not to mention the artwork you did for my 2010 WTAC Dr Honda Civic. Sadly I never got the chance to repay you for that, even though you did it for absolutely nothing. But if it’s counts, 8 years later I still haven’t forgotten your generous gesture. So I thank you once again.

Anyway this is the main reason I’m here and it’s to say thank you for sharing your highs with us, looking at semi naked hot chicks and just visualising what went on after the shoot was a good time killer that’s for sure. But I also would like to say I really admire and respect you for the way you openly share your lows with… everyone.

To follow your success over the years and then also to be able to see and read your darkest of times was something that definitely surprised me, but it was also something I could relate to, but I didn’t have the desire or have the courage to talk about it as I like to keep it to myself. So watching it all unfold and you openly sharing it with us was sad, personal and very raw, but what it did for me and I’m sure for others as well, was It helped me get through my darkest of days because I felt I wasn’t alone anymore.

So that alone gave me another reason to stay positive and soldier on. Believe it or not I just wish I could of just sat there with ya and just chat. Because I know you hadn’t even scratched the surface and there was a whole lot more you could of shared.

Counselling looks to be the way to go because it seems like it’s made some impact from what you’ve shared. I’m one of those people who likes to think I’m in control but am I really? Doesn’t seem like it sometimes. But hey you stay strong and a lot of people out there respect and admire what you do. Kudos! You are in control when you start speaking freely. Doesn’t it feel good when you stop caring about what others think? What I’ve learnt from this is when you speak freely as you have life just gets better and you instantly a sense of freedom hits you. So Thank you.
And all the best for the next year or all the best tomorrow. Lol.

Btw… Did you like….like… Ummm…get to shag little caprice? If so… I need to know more. And pics or didn’t happen. Haha. Take care mate ✌️.

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China Trip – Day #4 – HNY!

First stop Hulishan Fortress to check out the largest coastal cannon in the world.


We then hopped on a ferry to Gu Lang Yu. Funny thing is this little lady had the loudest voice of everyone on the boat!


The beach…

… Chinese styles!


We then were treated to an epic Chinese dinner and our relos here had booked the most expensive room in the restaurant for NYE, ROOM 888!!!!!!!!!!


This stuff was nailpolish remover.

The relos were pushing us to drink, HARD!

We then hit Karaoke!






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