Brekky Juice


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JDMST – Why we meet

This is an old interview. The guy opposite, interviewing me was Marty from Mighty Car Mods, and man he made me feel at ease during this interview. I fucking HATE being in front of the camera, and I was shitting my pants when he asked me for a few words, but the way he set it all up, I just remembered how chill he was, which made me chill, and I’ve never been as comfy in front of a camera since (much to learn!).

When the guys did this video we ripped it and uploaded it to our channel so we could stream it into the in-store TV. That was a big no no, and created unnecessary bad vibes. Fast forward all these years and I’ve just reached out to Marty to ask if it’s OK for me to cut out this bit of the episode, and re-up it to my new channel. The lovely man said YES!

Thanks to young Phil Boquida, my right hand video man this year I’ve uploaded the clip to the channel. Check Phil’s work out here, it’s awesome.

Posted in Cars, Zen Garage | 1 Comment

ZENPODCAST on SoundCloud

ZENPODCASTS will be up on SoundCloud too for those who prefer an audio only feed:

Posted in Podcast, Zen Garage | 4 Comments

Art Therapy





Hung out with one of my faves today, young Kristi Jade Mclellan

We talked shit, it was deep as usual, after I got talking about me we talked about her. When I met K-POP 7 years ago I dropped a bomb of a question on her (thinking it would impress her): “So, what do you dream of when you put your head on the pillow at night?”, she answered without hesitation.

She wanted to be an Art Therapist.

For years I’ve been urging her to chase her dreams, but today we both had energy, we both bounced off each other, as good friends should. We decided to look up the word THERAPY. The dictionary reads:

“treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder”.

YUCK! What negativity! No wonder she’s had little to no luck getting her business off the ground. Sometimes you have to scrap pre-existing definitions and start your own. Here’s to Kristi’s journey to success. I’m in for the ride!

Posted in Pets, Photography | 1 Comment

My first Podcast

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Rode Podcaster USB Mic

The mic Milky Pixel suggested has come in, stand too. Still waiting for the web cam! #wereaboutreadytorocksteady

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Today I got this photo, and message from my ZEN Garage business partner Rob Green:

“Ripped an old roundel off my car and left this bit. Looks cool. Minimalistic.
Been doing a bit of thinking around the Enso/Zen thing and there is a real untapped piece that resonates with my life”.

I’ve seen this inside line of the ZEN Roundel logo like this numerous times from doing the same, as well as in photoshop when inverting the logo at times. It’s very us, #LESSISMORE, and might very well become part of a new design to come, but I’m more excited about the little juicy bit Rob said about his life and ZEN.

We’re meeting up next week. It’s going to be fucking epic. I can feel it!!!!!!! #ZENREBOOT2018

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ZEN YouTube Channel


I thought I’d have a lazy day, but just couldn’t. Working on the ZEN YouTube channel isn’t exactly relaxing
but my naturopath says it’s ‘good stress’!

Please subscribe:

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Hangs with Milky


Yesterday I landed, but got right into it and hung out with Microsoft staffer, and twitch streamer Milky Pixel who’s helping me to set up the ZEN GARAGE twitch channel where I’ll be streaming photoshoot edits, interviews, maybe a little gaming too.

Check out her channel:, and the new ZEN GARAGE Channel:

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China Trip – Day #11 – Hong Kong

We always get to see Uncle Chai when we’re in HK (he’s the tall guy), my Mum was best friends with his late wife.

And that’s a wrap! Sincerely had some pretty amazing food here in HK the past 2 days despite posting about how much I dislike this place. I know the produce we have in Australia is some of the world’s best, but the culture, the cooking techniques, they seem to forgo the need for the best produce as I’ve had the best fried rice I’ve ever had on this trip, the best noodles too.

I hit the ground running tomorrow. I’ve not been this excited in a while! That electric/obsessive compulsive nature of mine is back with a vengeance! This morning Mum and I went through the ZEN Garage online shop, literally every item is out of stock and man, was it a HUGE shock. I truly did drop the ball last year. I don’t intend to buy another car to replace the Golf, instead I just want to put it all into stock, and basically reboot ZEN GARAGE. 2018, it’s my year. I’m pumped!

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