Australia’s corporate regulator ASIC spends more than $100,000 on new font.

Link to feature.

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Feedback is Gold

I love the Pen Ceremony scene in the movie A Beautiful Mind, although fabricated, what it symbolises is worth striving for; acceptance, and being recognised in the community for accomplishments made.

I’m 44 years old this year and I’ve survived my mid-life-crisis. I’ve come out of it with a new core (smoking bongs from 4.20AM-Midnight for 6 months wasn’t anywhere near as hardcore as this!). I’m mentally stronger than ever, clearer too, so clear that I can see past even more bullshit than ever.

The tall poppy syndrome I’ve been fighting my whole creative career has reared itself in the ugliest form so far. Where it was once people who had no idea of who I was, cutting me down for standing out just because, now it’s the friends closest to me using their adult smarts to belittle me in order to justify their own lack of success.

Some of my long time friends and followers chimed in when I was down in a hole. They offered advice, here are some of the things I was hearing:

– You have a self-importance issue.
– You try too hard to please everyone.
– You give too many fucks.

When I’m down I get caught up in the “I’m tired, it’s too hard. I’m done. I’m over it” basket. When shit gets overwhelming I want to hit the eject button. When I’m miserable I end up feeling immense guilt for not working, and that’s when mates chime in with stuff like; “why do you think you’re so important?” and “who cares if you don’t take photos, or blog, or keep your Facebook page and Instagram account active?”.

When I’m down I very easily agree with all these points and suggestions, recently I agreed so much with the advice given that I deleted my personal Instagram account of 13k followers and tried my best to delete Facebook (it’s impossible. I gave up). I let everything go. The forums, the blogs, the stuff that was keeping me busy and making an income.

Surviving the worst bump I’ve ever come across in my life so far I’ve found strength in learning how to accept and like myself again. If a capitalist is all about winner takes all and to hell with everyone else, I’m the opposite. I’m the Artist who has something to give, and is willing to share with competent young people in hope that I might be able to help them open doors of opportunity and see them develop into successful people.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson (professor of psychology) says “successful people love mentoring young people, it’s an intrinsic pleasure”.

Helping others has been a huge source of pleasure in my life. Ever since design school I’ve always believed in “feedback is gold” but I didn’t know back then that feedback would end up being my primary source of pleasure and that helping others would be a never ending source of satisfaction.

Since coming back to social media this year I’ve received hundreds of messages of encouragement from mostly young people who are suffering and lost. These messages are gold to me. With names omitted, I’ve included 2 below. I’m hoping that after you read them you’ll have a better understanding of how and why I gain personal benefit from helping others, and how truly important this feedback is to me .

Letter #1.

“Hey I’ve been following your posts on Facebook, but your latest one with the R U OK got to me. I can’t respect you enough for voicing your feelings, that’s a hard thing to do and it’s something I struggle with regularly. I love the fact that you can be so open with your feelings on social media, not only are you posting things that I can relate to so immensely, but your posting things that I couldn’t ever bring myself to admit personally. I’ve got mad respect for you and I never want to stop seeing you stop expressing yourself like this, its uplifting for the rest of us who don’t have the strength to voice it for ourselves.”

Letter #2.

Hey man, it’s been a while and we’ve never really been close but I wanted to send you a message. You’ve been a huge influence in my life, in so many ways. I remember when I first discovered Zen Garage on Facebook. I was so taken in by the culture of it all. The “I don’t give a fuck, I’m going to do me, but I’ll still respect you” mentality that seemed to surround it. You opened my head up to new music. I was mostly (and still am) a metalhead. It was “Hold Me Down” by Mansionaire that turned me on to a whole new genre of music. I never gave a fuck about photography until I saw your shoots, even though I was married to a “photographer” at the time. It pushed me. I adopted the Zen mentality as I saw it and became a better person for it. Truer to myself. It made me want to get back in touch with my artistic side. Made me start drawing and writing music again. In fact the one and only time I’ve ever actually painted anything was while listening to your Soundcloud playlist. I’ve always thought you were this amazing individual. Yet you would always chat with me on Facebook whenever I’m hitting you up to buy some stickers. It hit me pretty hard seeing all the shit you’ve been dealing with, and I feel for ya man. I do. I cant express how happy it makes me to see you coming back out again. I know you’ve still got a way to go before you’re fully happy again, but my heart is lightened to see that you are getting there. Sorry for bugging ya. Just some insight from a broke ass American kid.

Also on MEDIUM:

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44 years old this year. Writing the world “from” is still so hard. Always comes out as “form” when I type. ADHD for sure.

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2010 Pirelli Calendar by Terry Richardson











To celebrate being banned off Facebook (twice now since I’ve been ‘back’) I thought I’d open up my drunken $600 eBay purchase, a genuine numbered copy of the 2010 Pirelli Calendar by my fave rock star Photographer, the one and only Terry Richardson. I’ve decided to shoot each page. Just a few teasers above, will post the lot soon!

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Monday Funday with Tendy

Grumpy Baker Pie. Nom!

Lunch by the beach with 10D today. Him and I both spent thousands of hours in the same game last year but didn’t speak to each other on the mic much. Both of us were in a shit place but both of us seem to have resurfaced at the same time. Really great catch up, a bit rushed if anything as Tendy had to pick up the kids! I’m really enjoying hanging out with friends who have gone further than I have with some aspects of life. 44 this year and back to learning something new every day. I’m on track!

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Why don’t professionals get overtime?

ICOGRADA Regional Meeting, Melbourne in 2002.

A good friend of mine Dom Bartolo and I got to represent Australia for The Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) and present The Australian INfront in front (see what I did there?) of the International Council of Graphic Design Associations at the ICOGRADA Regional Meeting in Melbourne in 2002.

Where AGDA Designers wore black from head to toe these ICOGRADA Designers were Design Gods wearing white from head to toe. JEDI KNIGHTS OF DESIGN! Being in our mid 20’s at the time both Dom and I were in awe of their presence.

I presented the site and INfront Manifesto on the big screen and we got great feedback from the Knights. They acknowledged the importance of supporting grass roots efforts like INfront. They then asked if we would like to join them for their regional meeting…

… Oh my God. Dom and I had just been invited to the JEDI COUNCIL!

We sat in on their Jedi High Council, giddy as fuck. The Knights were arguing about the price of Adobe Photoshop. To me, it was fascinating, to Dom it was wrong. Dom manned up and had something to say (HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!). He slid the mic closer to his mouth and this came out:

“I work hard. I spent 4 years studying to be a Professional Designer. I’ve been working as a Professional Designer for the past 3 years. I get paid from 9AM-5PM but I’m expected to stay back and work until 9PM most nights without extra pay. My cousin works at McDonalds and gets paid until 5PM, at 5PM he’s outta there!”

Jaws dropped. Silence for at least 5 seconds but felt like 5 minutes. There was no answer. We were applauded once again for being able to inspire the elders and just like that, on the biggest high known to man, we were flown back to Sydney on AGDA’s account and the rest was history.

Also on MEDIUM.

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Banned off Facebook for 30 Days

Banned 30 days for sharing this lol!

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Aus INfront – Our works is done

Our work is done here!

20 years. Lots of work. We’re sad to let The Australian INfront Design Community go, but it’s for the best, to leave on a legacy of love and respect.

We’ll be shutting down the site on the 8th of March 2019. Please be sure to back up everything you may need before the site is taken offline.

There’s no doubt that myself, Damien and Zann still have a ton of love for the Australian INfront (we most likely always will!). Traditionally we’ve always launched site redesigns, in fact we’re more than half way through the new site design now, but life has gotten in the way for all three of us, and we’ve had to re-assess the launch of the new Australian INfront.

Since INfront’s conception in 1999 I’ve had more time than most to put energy into the site, but I can’t say that I’ve done much at all over the past 10 years.

Rebelling against my professor of Design by presenting the Australian INfront manifesto at Sydney Design 99 Conference (instead of spending the time on the stage praising my old design school) was a bold move. Big moves like this have been made time and time again by Damien and Zann with INfront Apple Talks at the Apple flagship store Sydney, Field Trip Conferences at ACMI Federal Square Melbourne and The Seymour Sydney to name just a few.

One quick glance over both Damien and Zann’s personal Facebook profiles suggests that between work and family the guys are extremely time poor. Recently we got a 3-way chat together to discuss INfront’s future; Are we going to relaunch this new re-design? Because INfront needs HEAPS more love to get it anywhere near where we had it once upon a time, and it needs even more love and energy for us to take it to where Damien and Zann can.

INfront is a passion project. Something which the three of us forget at times. We still love the creative community and some part of us will always want to be part of it, just so we can help out, but INfront has had so many amazing moments that we’ve come to realise that as time goes on we can’t live forever in those past moments, and now we have our families to put our love and energy into too.

20 years… it’s been a GREAT run and we are proud of staying true the entire way through. To the founding members (you know who you are!) massive respect and thanks for the groundwork. To everyone else; we have nothing but GRATITUDE for all those who have ever stepped up and joined us on this epic mission to get Australian Design the respect it deserves, to place our local talent on the International Map. We started with the Australian INfront Manifesto. We’ll wrap it up with it too.


INfront is a collaborative project space and launch pad to Australia’s best online designers, artists, design companies and other related web sites.

INfront is also a growing community of like minded people who inspire and motivate each other. Lean on each other at times. Bend the rules. Help when there’s a need for a freelancer, a brainstorm, an opinion or some constructive criticism.


INfront intends to expose talented Australian designers and artists and change the international perspective of Australian Design and Art to a more accurate level, one that reflects the sophistication, individuality, and passion of designers and artists in Australia.

Australia, design & art are fundamental to our being and as a group we intend to explore what this means to ourselves and the international community.

Our work is Australian and of international standard.


Please note; we will be shutting down the site on the 8th of March so be sure to back up everything you may need before the site is taken offline.

Much love and respect; Justin, Damien and Zann.

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Happy Birthday Liz!

Image title: LizRocks.jpg

Facebook told me (#sadbuttrue) that it’s my good friend Liz’s Birthday today. I messaged her to ask how old she was, she replied: “Fucking older than you! Lol”.

I forget that Liz is older than me! I love it that some creatives out there consider me somewhat a mentor to them, but those friends closest to me know that I’ve been looking for an older mentor my whole professional life. Now I think I’ve had one all along! It’s LIZ!!!!!!!

I’m gaining so much clarity not smoking bongs. Beautiful memories are coming back, food tastes fucking amazing, my head is positively charged! At some point I’d love to take (or get a mate to take) some really good photos of Liz and I together. We have a few, but I want more! Positive energy and love is the way.

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Respect your Elders


This pic makes me both sad and mad! Growing up in Sydney Australia we knew to get off our seats if an elderly person got on a full bus. Even if we were too young and not confident enough to approach an elderly person to let them know a seat was available, we would still get up anyways and hope the elderly person would find said empty seat.

Times have changed; for the better? Or worse? I’m sure like anything else it’s debatable, but respecting your elders back then was just something that we were so acutely aware of, and something that every young person back then did without question.

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