Monday Meeting @ The Pool Cafe










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3 Sisters

















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Consultation with Dal at Tora Sumi



Dianne went in to see Tattoo Artist Dalriada at Tora Sumi today to discuss her next tattoo. Dal’s work, of animals especially, is awesome! Check her Instagram @dalriadatattoos

Di’s booked in for next Thursday! Will be there to take a few photos and offer support!

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Black Betty, Asahi Black & Gyokai Black Ramen

Jonno brought Black Betty out to play, top down baby!!!

Aaand we got table 8 at Manpuku!

Asahi Black.

Manpuku’s Gyokai Black Ramen!

Late night ramen run with the rodent! Conversation was heavy AF, brutal at times. Thanks Jonno for letting me vent, AND for questioning me on the hard truths. Always look forward to our catch ups, always much appreciated.

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Art Gallery Hangs with Jasminia G.




Before Dali, there was Gleeson!


Trippy AF.

The “keys to the shell”.

Ciggie break.



Super fun day with Jasminia today. I’m sure I talked her ear off, but she didn’t seem to mind!!! We checked out the AGNSW, ate lunch there, then walked through the Botanical Gardens (which are looking damn fresh, so so healthy!), then Opera Bar for a quick drink and finished off with the MCA. We’re both loaded up on inspiration now!

Check out Jasminia’s photography here:

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Keiichi Tsuchiya T-Shirt mood board


I’m working on the official Keiichi Tsuchiya T-Shirt for World Time Attack Challenge this year. I had the opportunity last year but I was in a hole and failed to even get started on a design.

This year I’m on it early AF and determined to get it right.

I want to take it back to where it all began. Best Motoring released The Drift Bible DVD in 2003 where Keiichi runs viewers through 6 different drift techniques.

These days you’d be hard pressed to find any video content of that length for any one driver. Mad Mike? Most I’ve seen is a few clips only a few minutes long, Keiichi? He had a whole DVD to himself! That DVD was fucking amazing to us at the time (it will forever live on my shelf in the lounge room!).

I’ve created a mood board. Top half are grabs from the DVD. I love love love the cross design so I’m most likely going to work on that being a part of the T, if not the whole design for the T. At the bottom there’s a few previous T designs. I hate all the illustration/caricature designs as none of them look like him, and caricature’s are usually known for being ugly bastardisations of people in general so I’ll definitely be avoiding that.

I love the bottom right corner logo he used for Kei Office, might use part of that for the design, maybe even on the sleeve. Either way I’m pumped and can’t wait to knock this design out! More process/progress updates soon!

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Note to self.

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WTAC 2019 Update

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 015

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 020

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 013

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 008

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 012

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 021

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 006

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 007

2019-03-18 - Threesome x WTAC 022

Meeting with WTAC yesterday didn’t go down like I thought it would…

When you’re on the inside you really get to see how hardcore running a huge event like WTAC really is. What you think you know about WTAC gets thrown out the door, and the reality of finding sponsorship money to run the beast becomes excruciatingly clear.

I’ll be designing the new Keiichi Tsuchiya T-Shirt this year, but that’s about it (I’m VERY excited about this as DK is a God to me). Alain Sihaphone has the rest of WTAC covered. Big job, but he’s a big man, so all good!!!

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WTAC 2019


Monday Funday! I’m meeting up with Ian Baker and Alain Sihaphone today to discuss design and marketing ideas for WTAC 2019.

For huge reasons, WTAC almost didn’t happen this year… DO NOT BE one of those people that end up saying “Oh I wish I went to WTAC when it was on…”

I get a LOT of these comments in regards to the old ZEN Garage shop in Leichhardt; “oh wish I went when it was open”, regret is lame AF, and most of the time it can be avoided, so less excuses, just do what you have to do to get to WTAC this year ’cause IMHO, it’s hands down the best automotive event we have on the calendar each year.

More info: World Time Attack Challenge

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The Division 2 is fucking up


First there was maintenance 3 times in a row (nothing worse than finally getting some free time to have a solid sesh only to find servers are down), and now there’s a skills bug which renders the game completely unplayable at higher levels (as your skills work for a few seconds then they literally vanish!).

The bug only just started for me last night, but people have had the bug for the past 3 days. I’d imagine those guys are even more frustrated than I am!

I hate to be nervous… but it’s starting to look like the same old Massive, at it again. Why I thought the company would be any different this year is beyond me… I ‘hoped’ I suppose?!

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