Category Archives: Zen Garage

Day 1 @ Zen Garage

Zen Garage Project Car #01. Sean’s non-registrable FD which we’ll be setting up for Targa.

Can’t wait to start stripping this thing!

Rob’s done an awesome job on this makeshift kitchen.

Office doors just happen to come in Tiffany Teal :)

Humble beginnings of our Zen Garden. We’re looking for more pot plants so if you’re in Sydney and have a pot plant you’d like us to adopt please drop by!

First day in the office today, it’s nice outside but damn it’s cold in here! Unfortunately internet isn’t happening just yet but I’m currently connected through John’s iPhone (speed’s not too bad at all!). More news as it comes.

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New laptop purchase

The Apple Store experience is strange. No counter, sign your signature on an iPhone with your finger… I’m not sure if I like it, but whatever.

Mia and Max having a good sniff!

Max approves?

More sniffing.

Setting up.

I went in set on a Macbook Air but walked out 20 minutes later with a Macbook PRO. Glad Christina, and the sales guy pushed me to go with the pro. I’ve set it all up, mostly. Work at Zen Garage starts tomorrow!

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Zen Garage progress

Sean and Archie, the warehouse dog.

Rob built this raised floor for the office. It’s awesome.

My corner of the office.

Best Motoring DVD’s.

Hyper Rev!

The GT-R section of the library.

Pong On!

Temporary lounge area. Poles painted white for now, still deciding on colour!

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Zen Garage Stickers

They’re in! I love them! They’re so awesome!

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MKV Shoot @ Zen Garage

Chris at work.


Ryan organised my car to be shot by Photographer Chris Sorgsepp for an upcoming Express Publications magazine. We decided to shoot the car at Zen Garage. When I got there I was a little shocked at how much it had changed! The painters had been in earlier today and they’ve applied one layer of protective sealant. The space is looking a lot cleaner but it still has that grungey charm and character so it’s all good. Chris was really happy to be shooting in the space, so double good!

Posted in Cars, Zen Garage | 1 Comment

Zen Garage Clean-up Day 1

We’ve got power!

It was pissing down last night, even heavier today which was a good thing as we were able to pinpoint exactly where the leaks in the roof were.

We had a guy with a high pressure washer just wash everything down.

Floors, walls, the ceiling and all. So much dirt came off, was quite awesome to watch.

Excess water was swept away into this huge drain hole.

Wendy and B’Day boy John scraping the wall back.

The office room has the biggest leak.

The cafe next door turns out to be golden, awesome gormet foods. So happy. Shot of Wild Turkey to keep warm!

Data + roof guys + paint next!

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Zen Garage Tumblr

I’ve been having a blast running the Zen Garage Tumblr. I’m really enjoying the task of being a curator for it. Having streaming music adds another dimension and I find myself often loading the site in a hidden tab just to listen to my own playlist.

It’s not safe for work though, the concept (to me at least) is that it’s a window in the Zen Garage’s soul. The things we like, our sense of humour, our inspiration wall.


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Warehouse Space update

Tons of natural light.

Car in-situ.

Our wet wall, as in, its covered in mould.

This little room will be our Art Gallery. Suspended track lighting to come. :)

Toilet of death. Airborne AIDS for sure.

Our natural water feature.

Cafe outside, perfecto!

Yesterday we dropped in to check out the warehouse space, and meet up with the electrician to sort out lighting + power locations and we also got to meet the owner of the warehouse.

I was stoked with how much natural light the warehouse gets on a sunny day. One we replace the blue plastic roofing it’ll cast a much nicer warmer light too.

I’m pumped! First step is to take some time cleaning the space. It needs a really good cleaning, floors, walls, the lot. After that we’ll decide how much paint we need (would hate to lose too much of that lovely texture and character).

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