Category Archives: Zen Garage

Battleship grey

Battleship grey for the poles at Zen Garage.

Me up on a ladder painting the top bits. Not afraid of heights but I am afraid of getting up on a ladder. I once fell off one trying to get up onto the roof when I was a kid, never been comfy with ladders ever since!

More images here.

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His name is ELMO, he’s from Japan.

How cool is this huh? It’s an old school overhead projector which we’ll use to project the Zen Garage logo onto the wall, we’ll then paint in the logo with black paint :)

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Deathtrap Project V2

And so it begins… (insert devil smiley icon here).

Posted in Bike, Zen Garage | 1 Comment

OG Tony Hawk Deck

Rob brought this in to hang on the wall at Zen Garage today. I almost exploded. I could stare at this piece of art for way longer than the Mona Lisa.

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Desk setup @ Zen

Sean on the left, and Rob, well I can’t see him now the monitor’s in the way haha.

Dropped in to JB HI-FI this morning on the way to work, got the right cables and set the new monitor up. All the comments from the previous post had me a little worried that the monitor wasn’t going to be good enough but it’s JUST FINE. Sure it doesn’t do the same massive resolution that my iMac does at home, but it shits all over working off the laptop screen and considering it cost just over 1/3rd the price of a mac monitor I’m happy for now.

If I ever do feel the need to upgrade I’ll have to buy one of those new Apple TV thingies to turn this monitor into a youtube TV in the bedroom :)

Posted in Zen Garage | 6 Comments

Zen Garage Update

Bought some of these letters on the weekend, couldn’t help myself.

Rob had a set of these horrible “art prints” (top left corner) so we got busy covering them up today with some cool posters (Matt Owens + Toki Doki).

Project FD is now up on stands, tools in the house!

10d dropped in with his crazy hot Scirocco.

SUGA dropped (excuse the pun) in too.

Posted in Zen Garage | 1 Comment

New 27inch monitor for the MBP

Dropped in to PC Express in Riverwood to see Jing who always looks after me with PC related purchases.

I’ve picked up a huge 27inch monitor for the macbook pro for a bargain in comparison to a mac monitor at $1200.

#frustration. Got the monitor to work today, all excited only to find the guy at the JB HI-FI sold me the wrong dongle! Grr!

Posted in Zen Garage | 12 Comments

Zen Garage Day #4

Some art went up today, nice change.

My mate MERDA was kind enough to give me print #8 :)

Sergio dropped in today.

Beer o’clock saw us playing with some toys.

Fucker was hard to control lol.

Posted in Zen Garage | 2 Comments

Testing pole colours

The fluro red is pretty hardcore in real life. Not sure it’s going to work too well in the space. The yellow needs a few more coats but it’s the right “industrial” yellow unlike the very pale odd yellow the poles originally were.

Posted in Zen Garage | 2 Comments

Toys @ Zen Garage

Zen Garage stickers are free (all you need to do is send in a self addressed stamped envelope). This envelope came from the states! So cool :)

Some flying toys for the space.

I brought in a box of these girl toys for the boys. :)

Some girls in-situ.

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