Category Archives: Zen Garage

Dopesource Media shooting Christian Joseph @ Zen Garage tonight

The guys from Dopesource Media are shooting Christian Joseph @ Zen Garage tonight. The kid’s good. His voice is suuuuuper smooth.

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Old man nap

John caught me having my old man nap under my desk today @ Zen Garage. Not sure what’s wrong with me, been feeling tired at about 3PM every day for a week now!

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Monday Blues

Monday Blues – Justin wears: Royal Blue Zen Garage T-Shirt, Royal Blue Zen Garage Lanyard (Royal Blue Alife sneakers models own).

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Cops and Convicts Alleycat

The photo wall was in full swing.

Handing out prizes.

What a beast right?

Post ride laughs.

Squire’s went down a treat.

One of 3 girls competing.

Zen Garage played host to a horde of sweaty cyclists last night as our man cave marked the finishing line for the Cops and Convicts Alleycat race through Sydney CBD.

For those not familiar with an Alleycat race, think “The Amazing Race”. Starting in Hyde Park, participants were given a map of checkpoints they had to cycle to. Checkpointers at each checkpoint handed out clues and all along the way participants had to fill in answers on a riddle sheet (get answers wrong and time gets added to your final race time). Prizes were handed out to first place in various categories, as well as the traditional “Dead Friggin’ Last”.

Many more images here:

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Photoshoot @ Zen Garage with Jaimee Pham

What a life huh? Photographers: Maxi Huynh & Ly Heng. Model: Jaimee Pham. More soon!

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New Zen Garage T’s

My new uniform for the rest of the year (yep I love wearing my own T’s!). Now in the shop! Visit:

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Zen Garage Gallery Opening

Last night we officially opened our gallery. Our first group show featured the work of Automotive Photographers: Jordan Donnelly (USA), Jason Hanif, Philip Nguyen, Easton Chang, Chris Brasher, Felix Alim, Matthew Mead, Kory Leung, Matthew Everingham and Kelvin Ng.

James Squire beers were supplied by our good friends at The Malt Shovel and 4 of the 10 works were sold on the night. The show will continue through to the end of this month, so be sure to drop in for a visit!

More images:

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Zen Garage Gallery Opening


Names on foam-core.


All set for our gallery opening @ Zen Garage tomorrow night. I’ve even got those little red dots you stick next to a piece to indicate that it’s sold :) If you’re free, drop in to celebrate our gallery opening with us: 6.30PM 7/99 Moore Street Leichhardt tomorrow (Thursday) night.

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Ho ho ho!

In situ. Now… what to load it up with?!

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From Poland with Love

I love freebies! :)

We’re always getting awesome surprises in the mail at Zen Garage. Today some rad stickers from Turbo Charged Life in Poland! Visit:

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