Category Archives: Zen Garage

Saturdaze @ Zen

Kelvin’s Ruckus @ Zen .

I took last Thursday off work to help Damien set up the Aus Infront VR Exhibit, and I was so hung over on the Friday I had to take it off too. The boys @ Zen were cool with me taking the extra day off, but made me promise to get in early to open Zen on the Saturday (we’re now open every Saturday), they said they’d be in later.

I got in 20 minutes before 11AM (official opening time) and there was already a bunch of peeps waiting! Was a busy day, funny thing was Sean and Rob didn’t come in at all, leaving me to man the store by myself HAHA, serves me right! :P

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Interview with Natacha Merritt

Natacha Merritt.

What better a way to celebrate my birthday than to be granted an interview with American Photographer, Artist and Biologist Natacha Merritt! Check out the full interview here.

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Stock vs. Not

Stock vs. Not!

Low Power Honda Crew.

A cute L-Plater couple came in to Zen today (yup working, we’re now officially open weekends). He rode a Honda Postie Bike, she rode this mint Honda Zoomer. Was nice chatting, and comparing my modified Zoomer to her dead stock one. Kinda jealous when they set off to ride in the glorious Sydney sunshine!

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Culture: What is Zen Garage?

Our FD, still a WIP.

My Zoomer + Monkey.

Our growing library.

Our gallery.

Our retail space.

Rob, myself and John.

The guys at THE-LOWDOWN have featured Zen Garage. Find many more photos and the full feature here:

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Zen Garage Post Easter Sale

Our Post Easter Sale went down a treat last Saturday thanks to our friends who helped us get the word out on their Facebook Pages. Sydney turned on the weather (we’ve been blessed!) and punters snapped up heavily discounted goods.

Initially I was a little upset to be working on such a nice day. When asked how I was going by a customer I replied “I’d rather be at the beach!” to which they replied “no way we’d rather be here!”. That took me by surprise, and very quickly snapped me out of my downer mood. Better yet is this snippet from Fitment Freaks:

Days like this are what we live for. A big thanks to the staff at Zen Garage for today!

Sweet right? The above photos were snapped by Fitment Freaks. Check out more images here.

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JSCC AGM @ Zen Garage

The 2012 JSCC annual general meeting was held at Zen Garage last night. The boys discussed various upcoming events, particularly the planning of their upcoming Gymkhana training day to be held at Eastern Creek skid pan at the end of May 2012.

If you’ve got a Japanese car, and are looking to get CAMS affiliated there’s no better way than to join through these guys.


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The Cool Wall

Putting up hero cars and rides submitted through our web site

The culling begins soon…

ALL STARS car show kicks off later this year in Sydney, as a pre-show event we’ve booked out the entire 60 car spaces which is ‘Real Street BLVD’ out the front of the upcoming Meguiar’s MotorEx on Saturday July 21st @ The Dome Sydney Olympic Park.

We’ve put a call out for submissions and so far we have 88 cars and counting! Culling down to 60 is going to be HARD!!!!


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Zen Gallery Group Show #2

It’s on like Donkey Kong!

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Zen Garage Harbour Cruise #2

View from the top. Antons place @ Rushcutters Bay.

The world’s a much happier place from up here.

The million dollar cruiser had us balling out of control again last night. :)

So good to be a tourist in your own city.

We docked up at Cocklebay Wharf, turns out the whole of Sydney was there as Darling Harbour put on an awesome fireworks display.

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Christian Joseph @ Zen Garage

A few weeks ago I closed up the shop one night and had the Dopesource Media guys come over to shoot unsigned 21 year old Artist Christian Joseph performing his original song titled ‘Fool For You’. The results are amazing, one guy, a guitar, unplugged… it’s so raw, no synths, overdubs and drum machines, nothing to hide behind (unlike his official video).

I was instantly jealous of Christian’s amazing voice, which filled a dark and quiet Zen Garage with emotion so thick you had to wade through it.

I’ve put a feature, with more links up on Zen Garage, so click for more, if you like.

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