Category Archives: Zen Garage

Setting up @ Motorex

Thing of beauty.

Laying frame.

Mad Max!

Mind = blown. Loved this Harley. I’d so ride this to work every day.


Sergio working his ass off.

Our little stall.

Our goodies.

We spent a good part of today getting our Zen Garage stand ready @ Motorex (in The Dome Sydney Olympic Park). We’ve been allocated a massive spot that fits 6 cars, so so awesome. Some of the rides I saw today were insane. Should be an awesome show tomorrow! :)

More info:

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We’ve found our girl!

Claudio, Phoenix Melody & Sergio.

Introducing Phoenix Melody, the face of ALL STARS! Photoshoot to come!

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Massive huh?!

Our flags arrived, they’re so much bigger than we thought they would be! We’re happy! We’ll be using them this weekend at Motorex. If you’re into cars, you have to be there. If you’re not into cars, you’ll definitely appreciate some of the amazing rides on show. Visit:

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More Zen goodies

Carabiners just landed, they turned out great!

We’ve re-stocked on lanyards too :)

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Zen Beanie

Just got delivered. Love love love deliveries! :) Find them in the shop:

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Showcased by The Tith Brothers

Showcased – Presented by from TithBrothers on Vimeo.

Spot me in this video being interviewed by the lovely Iliana Rose.

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New goodies @ Zen Garage


Back (big enough?!).



Some of my new designs got delivered today. Looks like this is the stuff I’ll be wearing for a few months from now on! Like uniform, every day. Hehe :)

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More showcased!

Many more images:

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THE-LOWDOWN ‘Showcased’

Yesterday saw’s ‘Showcased’ at the rooftop of the Entertainment Quarter carpark. As soon as I got up and saw the sun rising above Maroubra Beach I knew it was going to be an awesome day. The boys gave Zen Garage a (very generous) 6x3m space facing the Sydney skyline, primo spot was primo! Our new tent went up with ease and trading went really well.

The vibe was too good to be true and I was left smiling all night, hey I’m still smiling! Sergio went clubbing the night before and managed to secure visiting American Import Model Jeri Lee and her 2 friends to represent Zen Garage and ALL STARS at the show, the 3 girls brought a massive buzz to our stand once they arrived.

Whilst the show on the rooftop was gobsmackingly otherworldly, the level below doubled as JDMST’s End Of Month Meet (EOMM) and it was so packed that cars had to park a level below below! Some photos are starting to make their way online on Facebook as well as JDMST. I left my camera in my bag as there were just way way way too many amazing cars worthy of a shot (hard work for all the photographers on the day!).

For more images, and info:!-Sponsored-by-Xtreme-Motorsports

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Mini Cooper Coupe JCW

The design team modelled the shape on a baseball cap, worn backwards.

Sergio brought this little beast in to Zen Garage today. Still don’t like the way it looks but the interior’s a lot more played down than other models in the line (better) and it’s little 1.6 engine has some decent go… for a 1.6. Turn-in is awesome too. Not the car for me, but I’m sure a lot of new owners will fall in love with it.

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