Category Archives: Zen Garage

Post Holiday Depression

First day back at work – Lisa’s red EVO in the driveway. Sergio, Alain… let’s go to lunch!

Marigold Yum Cha!

Was late afternoon by the time we got back to Zen. We then had dudes over, beers, chills and Frank’s Pizza.

PHD. I’ve got it.

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The Downshift boys from QLD had their first ever Sydney meet yesterday at Fairfield Showgrounds. The meet was held outdoors, in the oval (instead of the undercover area most car clubs use), which was different. The sun was beating down pretty hard at 4-6PM but at 6.30 sunset kicked in and with the DJ spinning tunes it felt just right.

Was a chilled out day, as expected. Much more down tempo from the hectic Mega Meet last Friday night. I’m exhausted, but it’s my day off today (track day tomorrow!).

PS: More photos from the Downshift meet here.

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Dent Hero Dent Removal Day #5

Girls love our new Domo.

Kids too!

Domo’s going to be happy in his new home :)

Dent Hero Dent Removal Day #5 went off, as expected! Much magic was performed throughout the day. If you missed out on getting your dents removed, be sure to be on the lookout for our 6th Dent Removal Day in April.

Click here for more images from the day.

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Mega Meet

Last year we counted 1200+ cars, this year it was so big cars couldn’t get in! Our Zen stand was mobbed. We had a great night!

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EST. mini meet @ Zen

More pics:

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Zen Garage featured in MOTOR Magaine

The cover.


I’ve been reading MOTOR magazine forever. It’s my fave Aussie car mag and I’m VERY proud to have Zen featured over 2 pages in this month’s issue! SO HAPPY! :)

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From screen to reality

So nice to see designs come to life. The Yokohama 86 (which I designed the graphics for) was dropped off to Zen today. I even got to drive it off the truck. It’s an auto, which kinda surprised me, but hey I drove my cousin’s manual one a week ago and I was curious to see if the auto was any good, or not. I took it for a spin and yeah, it wasn’t any good (the manual was way more engaging!). The car is going to live with us for a bit, should brighten up our space that’s for sure!

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Viral marketing

45,804 people have shared the post with their friends. 19,447 people liked the post and a staggering 5,711,872 people saw the post!

311,031 visitors in one day. Our biggest hit of unique visitors/day since we launched, makes every other day before look insignificant!

I often wonder just how people hit the jackpot with viral marketing. Every now and then you see a picture, or video which everyone you know has seen as well. It’s like it hits everyone, everywhere, all at the same time.

Last week I posted a video I stumbled across. I edited an existing bit of text, and made it ounchier to read (as people just don’t read on the internet these days) and I posted it up, not knowing or not if people were going to dig the video or not (personally it brings a tear to my eye). The next day I see our facebook go wild with people liking and sharing our posts, a LOT of people, mostly women, are commenting on both facebook as well as the feature on the Zen Garage web site. It’s gotten so out of control that our site has gone down, intermittently for the past 3 days due to the sheer amount of traffic.

45,804 people have shared the post with their friends.
19,447 people liked the post.
5,711,872 people saw the post.
311,031 visitors to our web site in one day.

Hopefully I’ll reach as many, of not more people again in future but for now it’s a record!

Check the feature everyone’s talking about (294 comments so far on our web site) here:

Posted in Zen Garage | 1 Comment

Ferrari 458 Spider

Momentary sad face. Thinking to myself “I’ll never make enough to own one of these”.

So I got to sit in a Ferrari 458 Spider the other night at the 3rd B’day Party. What a lovely place to be. It’s other worldly. The display is so high tech, even the air vents are interesting but what really stole the show was the steering wheel. It had a crazy selector for sport and race modes which felt so solid. Metal, no plastics here. No indicator stalks, instead their on the wheel as buttons and the paddle shifters, those massive paddle shifters, fwoar. Amazing. Then I get the OK to turn the key and hit the big red ENGINE START button. Yeaha! I then get the OK to give it a little rev (inside Zen too!). So good!

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Breanna Espina by Matthew Mead for Zen Garage

Matt’s shots of Bree which were shot at my place a while back are finally live! Check out the full feature here:

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