Category Archives: Zen Garage

New Shopify ZEN GARAGE Online Shop


OMFG we did it! The all new Shopify ZEN GARAGE online shop is live! Thanks Catalina Briceño for the lifestyle shots. All the product shots need to be re-shot ASAP (that’s my job!), text descriptions need love too, but I’m so glad it’s live!

Free shipping on all orders over $100 for now (one thing we’ve been meaning to implement for ages but couldn’t with the last shop software).


Posted in Design, Zen Garage | 1 Comment

Cat’s Zen Babe Photoshoot






Loving these great crisp shots by Cat. I sent Cat a box of Zen goodies before I went overseas and it’s been AWESOME seeing her shoot it on her babes. AMAZE! There’s so much to come! First up, Kat Barry. Del Rey eat your heart out!

For the Full Feature, visit:

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SO GLAD that Zen is not being sold in General Pants Co.

Thrills Scrambler sold at Zen Garage Leichhardt 2011.

We had contacts a few years back, and made moves to try and get our gear in General Pants Co. We hit a wall though and left it at that.

A little while back I had dinner with my relos and one of my aunties was wearing a Thrills T-Shirt. I asked her about it and she had NO IDEA who Thrills were, she just liked the design and bought it from General Pants Co.

Thrills are a small label from Byron Bay, think Deus, they were more a small bike gang than fashion label and they even approached Zen to sell their gear in our store when they were starting out (and we did sell some of their stuff in the end). So it was a surprise to see such a small young brand make it into General Pants SO quickly.

I’m just glad the people who buy Zen get it. And when I see someone wearing Zen I can wave, or beep my horn and get smiles and waves back. That FEELS good! I hate the idea of aunties and whoever wearing Zen, but not understanding what Zen is about. So here’s cheers to being unsuccessful with getting the Zen brand out there in the big shops. #fuckthatshit

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Import Model: “Hey, let’s collab!”

Me: *Checks her instagram page, lots of followers, USA, cool, why not?!* “Sure! What’s your FULL address? It might take some time to get to you though, we’re in Australia!”.

Import Model: *didn’t know we were based in Australia* “I charge $50 for a promotional post”.

Me: “Ah yeah sorry not into that shit. All the best!”.

Import Model: “No need to make it unprofessional. In all honesty why should I promote a clothing company or any company for free? Merchandise is not payment”.

Me: *goes to neck myself*…

A SINCERE THANKS TO ALL ZEN BABES (guys and girls!) WHO REPRESENT ZEN PROUDLY. You guys rock my world. It’s not about the money, never will be. We promise to never ever pay someone to wear our gear, ever. #keepitreal #findyourzen

Posted in Zen Garage | 1 Comment

Drinks with King Baker!

Mr World Time Attack Ian Baker is a dead set legend! Much overdue drinks at church with the King #goodtimes

Jam Donuts!



Afternoon drinks with King Baker and Star in Balmain. I have some massive news to share too, soon!

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#TR86 2017 Season Launch at SMSP

Old school cool (forever a Celica fan).

Sign a fair few of these a year!

Matt Hart from The Escape Road, and Adam from Downshift.


And Skaifey had a few words too, legend!

The drivers.

Aussie Speedhunter Matt Everingham.




Zen Racer Trent Grubel.


My ride.

I got to do 3 hot laps in a #TR86 race car today on the full GP circuit (my fave!) at Sydney Motorsport Park Eastern Creek, we were given access to Mark Skaife, and Neil Crompton too. Was a great day, great vibes!

The car I got this time around was meant for a much taller driver. I could barely reach the pedals, and couldn’t see over the dashboard!!! I even hung a couple of wheels off the dirt because I just didn’t feel comfortable pushing the car. I had Pro Race Car Driver Ben Porter in the car with me so that was kinda nerve wrecking as well, though I’m sure he was WAY more scared than I was with me behind the wheel haha! Still, ANY excuse to get onto the full circuit for hot laps (such a privilege to get to drive at EC).

You can find out more about Toyota 86 Racing Series here: and to check out my full feature on Zen Blog, clock here:

Posted in Cars, Zen Garage | 1 Comment

Black on Black Zen Graff Snap

Bettina Banks x Zen BLK Graff Snap.

We’ve finally put our Black on Black Zen Graff snapback on our shopping cart and it’s sold over 20 units overnight which is great! I’ve only got one for shoots right now, but I’m pretty determined to keep many more for myself this time (still upset I didn’t even get to save a ZEN x GEEDUP collab T for myself!).


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Awwww Betty!


Day made! Love love love Betty’s blog on the hangs we had a couple of weeks ago. Check it out! Visit:

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Shoot with Bettina Banks




Gets to a stage where it’s years between seeing friends. I’ve not seen Betty in AGES but I’ve seen her on TV! Betty’s on My Kitchen Rules this year. That’s prime time TV! I’m SO proud of her. The girl just wants to be famous, and man, she’s there! She’s always been super driven, a strong self believer and she works her ass off on her self image, as well as representing her clients (check her blog for more).

Having been caught in corporate land before I knew she must have struggled with MKR. All the shit they would have told her to do, what she couldn’t do, etc. It’s easy for everyone on the outside watching the show to judge, but the community rarely gets to see what goes on behind the scenes on any of these projects. Knowing this I couldn’t wait to hear all the goss when Betty messaged to catch up and shoot.

Was a dark late afternoon hang and shoot. We caught up and shot (in my kitchen of-course!) at the same time. Was funny that we had no plans, but ended up shooting the same exact shoot we did the first time, with a vape in the lounge room, but instead of all black, noir, this time Betty was wearing all white.


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Zen Graff Snapback – BLK Edition.


I’m pretty excited about this hat. Yup. This hat gets me excited! I’ve been wanting to make an all black on black version of our Zen Graff Snapback for years now (along side our hoodie, it’s our best selling item), just haven’t had the funds (hey we’re grass roots and keeping up with stock demands on our staple Zen range is hard enough as it is!).

LESS IS MORE. Going all black was perhaps the easiest way to further refine a product that up until now, sells so well (and continues to do so). The Zen Graff Snapback has largely been unaltered since 2011 (the first 100 ever made didn’t feature the teal under-brim the snapback has today). I wanted this hat for me, but we’ve had to make a few to make it a reality, so they’re most likely going to make their way to the Zen SHOP soon (we added a new trucker hat design earlier today!).

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