My old GF1 on the left, my newly acquired GF1 (from eBay) in the middle and my new GF6 on the right.
Got to work today and there were lots of goodies on my desk. Of note my brand new GF6, and also another GF1 which I bought on eBay for a steal (it came with a very strange 15mm Olympic lens which I’ll most likely not finda use for at all, but I’m not complaining!).
I’ve since put my old 20mm pancake lens on the GF6, which doesn’t look anywhere near as bad as I thought it would. I actually think it looks quite retro cool and it’s a fair bit smaller and lighter too. I’m not digging the massive flip out screen on the back, when extended off the camera body it feels flimsy. I’m pretty sure it would be the first thing to break ifg I ever dropped the camera, and if I broke that the entire camera might not work as it’s a touch screen now.
Anyways, happy days shooting ahead! I’m psyched!