Big update today: Last night I read the fitting instructions for the Motordyne Plenum spacer which strongly suggested to work on a cool engine as hot engines do funny things to aluminium. Since the bolt tensioning is such a major factor in installing the spacer correctly I packed the car up with all the tools I’d need for the install and parked the car in my Mums garage overnight.
Today, despite a huge hangover (Jamie and Richie came around last night, much wine, Jeff Buckley DVD + Richie and I had a 2 hour Jam session too) I got to work on it:
Hood liner, interesting huh? The engine’s behind the front axle for better balance but I wouldn’t call it in the middle.
This is used all over the engine bay, again, interesting.
Spacer installed. I’ve seen a lot of installation pictures online and most people have a lot of dirty gunk in here but mine was squeeky clean which makes me feel good that the low km’s the car has done are most likely genuine.
I went for the thinner 5/16 kit which is geared towards low down and mid range and said to gain 11HP-13HP (1HP less than the thicker 1/2″ spacer).
Washers and longer bolts. The kit was impressive. Came with everything and then some (even spacers for your strut brace to clear the engine cover). New bolts, washers, loctite, you name it.
The instructions were clear. I used a torque wrench to do it right (you can get this Kingchrome one from Bunnings for $70-ish). The diagram shows the order in which I had to tighten everything up. First 40 in/lb then again at 80 then a few select bolts at 100 in/lb.
I also replaced the panel filter:
The old one (left) looks aftermarket? I’m not sure, looks pretty damn good to me construction wise. It’s clean too. The K&N’s rubber frame was a lot softer though and I’m sure it would get a better seal because of it.
You can see the panel filter. The “Power Duct” writing feels pretty aftermarket for an OEM intake!
I test drove the car and instantly felt a difference in response and noise too. A lot of people said they lost power initially until their ECU adjusted (automatically), not the case for me. There’s more growl, it’s not that loud but it’s there and there’s more response everywhere. It’s awesome.
I was going past the beach and I got whistled at by my mail guy who had a parcel for me (he knows me well as I get so many things from eBay!). So funny getting a parcel right on the main beach road in front of people at the cafe (lol). It was my Z-Tube intake pipe!
Restrictive pipe top, 350Z tube bottom.
Fitment was 1000000% perfect and the extra sound is nuts! I love it.
I also got a letter from the RTA saying my plates were ready (so many things today!) so I braved the fucked up crazy queue (thank God for iPhone/internet access) and picked them up.
Junction Produce plate bolts.
Rear. How nice are those tips, again, stock. This car is so good stock!
Front. I’d love to modify the plate holders both front and back, might do that later.