In the mail today.

3 easy steps and you’re up and running (not even enough time for a cup of tea!).

The app is super easy to use. Set colour with the colour wheel, brightness with the slider and other functions too.

The colours make the George Nelson bubble lamp come alive!

Blue even!

Looking forward to doing some shoots under this light.

Why so blue Mao?!
A little while back my flatmate bought a phone controllable light bulb which looks absolutely amazing in the awesome George Nelson bubble lamps I’ve got throughout the house. I’ve been meanig to buy one for my bedroom ever since and I finally did so this week.
The MiPOW Playbulb comes nicely packaged (feels a bit like an Apple product), you simply screw it in to your light socket like any ordinary bulb, then download the Playbulb app on your phone from the App Store, turn on your Bluetooth and you’re away! You can set different tones with the colour wheel, you even have the choice of animation (candle flames, strobes, you name it!), you can set the light to come on and off at different times (even with an audible alarm!), a nice feature is “shake” where the colour will change at random when you shake your phone.
What’s super nice though is that even without the app, when you flick the light switch on the light will come on normally (and you have full control of it when you launch the app on your phone).
As much as I hate technology (hate is a strong word, but damn I’ve dropped the ball with computers and stuff!!!), I love this thing! It simply changes the mood in the room quite dramatically. Worth every dollar IMHO!
I bought it from MobileZap. A local online shop I’ve been buying gadgets off for some time now (without issues!).