Category Archives: Threesome

I’ve resigned from Threesome & Spacewalk

I just had a few people ask about what’s going on and if I’m all good. I’m like what?! It turns out Nick, Chris and Dianne have made an official post about my resignation on Threesome socials.

Just to explain; I wasn’t digging the vibes since coming back from Africa. I stuffed up by posting a BTS on socials that I didn’t have the go ahead on (that’s just how I do things!), but fucking up kinda fucked me up in the process too. To be successful as a team I had to put the guys in front of me as it’s not MY business, it’s OUR business. I disrespected concerns about doing things the way I do things and that was a mistake… but I’ve worked my ass off to be good at what I do best, and going forwards I feel that if I can’t do what I do best with Spacewalk and Threesome then I can’t and don’t want to be a part of it.

Threesome and Spacewalk have been like crutches for me this year, holding me upright. Without the businesses I could potentially go backwards, back into a hole and not fitting in with the world, but compromising to a point where shit seems to work better for making money is not what I want, or believe in, nor what I want to believe in and ultimately what I feel is right to me is still more important to me than anything else.

I completely respect that the guys want to run a legitimate business, but it’s not something I want to do going forward. Of-course I haven’t added any unnecessary complexity to leaving both companies and I sincerely wish the best for the guys.

As to what I’m going to do next? Well I’ve never been the type of person to have a Plan B (as that would take away giving Plan A absolutely everything!), so time will tell. Financially I’ll be AOK with the money I make from photography, Patreon, ZEN and the forums. So, here’s to 2020!

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Grid Life!





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We’ve been pretty busy working with clients, and we’ve not been able to spend too much time on developing our own brand assets.

Today I’ve been getting tight on a Keynote/PDF proposal template for Spacewalk Agency which is very much inspired by tech drawing class back in high school where every drawing we did had to have a thin border and info box on the bottom right corner.

IE: Less is more!

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Burger Me Up Logo


New logo I designed for Burger Me Up (the old Chur Burger in Surry Hills) looks a bit like a storm trooper (or Bobba Fett?) with a mo?! It also kinda fits in with the “Beam Me Up, Scotty!”/Burger Me Up, Scotty! theme!

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Roughly 6 men take their lives each and every day in Australia. Grow your mo this month of Movember to raise awareness of men’s suicide!

Burgers make me happy, so more than happy to be working with Burger Me Up (previously Chur Burger in Surry Hills) on this Movember graphic for their socials!

For more information on Movember, visit:

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All our love for Caroline


I few months ago my team found out that one of our best clients was in a coma. It was the hardest news to swallow. Whilst I’ve been away I had someone let me know that Caroline Breure has a GoFundMe page.

For those who don’t know her, Caroline’s a Sydney-sider who has dedicated her career to making the world a better place with her environmentally and animal-friendly sneaker brand NO SAINTS. She’s one of our first awesome clients and we’ve loved every single minute working with her.

In a freak accident in September 2019, while on holiday in Barcelona, Caroline was hit by a police car while crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing. Caroline sustained severe brain injuries and has been in a coma since. She has since undergone a number of cranial operations, including the removal of part of her skull to reduce the swelling, and has now started her long road to recovery.

I’m sure she and her family would appreciate any support given to help her get home.

Her GoFundMe Page:

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WTAC 2019 Merch




Excited to see that the Drift King design I did for WTAC has made it to garment! And also great to see the WTAC logotype I designed on lots of merch this year!

PS: This merch is not available for pre-order – so get it FIRST at the event!


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Losing is losing


It’s hard to lose in an age where coming dead last wins you a participation award.

My team recently got invited to pitch for a $30k job. Long story short, we lost it.

We’ve had a week now to digest the loss. Looking back, we went from; being excited to be working on a product that was good for the world, to putting together an amazing team of creatives which we respect to help us execute this job as best we could, to putting a hold on a professional photo studio, to submitting a transparent and itemised proposal, to sitting around for a week with everything crossed with butterflies in our stomachs, to doubt, to confirmation on the loss, to disappointment, anger and sadness.

Highly influential entrepreneur Gary Vee suggests that he fucking loves to lose multi-million dollar pitches as he gets to learn from each loss. With that in mind we’ve tried to get the client to open up and give us feedback on our pitch, if he saw anything wrong with it, and how we could have bettered it. He gave us a few insights on what we got right, but was a little grey about what we got wrong.

So where did it all go wrong? Well, perhaps it didn’t go wrong, and rather than sitting here post loss trying our best to gain wins from losing, maybe just realising that we can’t always win and accepting the loss is the best way forward.

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Twitter & LinkedIn


Always late to the bandwagon these days… I’ve had invitations to join and connect with people on LinkedIn for so many years but I’ve never bothered with it. I’ve finally set mine up (it’s a start?!).

My LinkedIn:


I’m also going to give Twitter a go! Turns out I’ve already got an account:

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KPOP in da house!

Our new sales girl Kristi! Follow her: @kristi.jade

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No Saints

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Just wanted to share/vent something on my mind lately.

One of my clients (which we absolutely love working with) had been a little slow getting back to us with some feedback. It wasn’t like her at all to be slow in communications with us so we just put it down to the fact that she must be super busy.

Fast forward a few weeks, we recently got an email from her, but it wasn’t from her, it was from her boyfriend using her account to let us know that sadly our client has been in a serious accident and she’s in a coma.

It’s been grey ever since. Literally raining, literally heavy on my entire crew. It’s a wake up call that shit happens.

Last week her team made it official on their instagram page:

“Our beautiful No Saints founder Caroline has been in a terrible accident. She’s currently in hospital in a coma in Barcelona surrounded by those she loves the most. We know you will join us in wishing her the best possible recovery. Please forgive our radio silence on our No Saints posts in the meantime. Our website remains fully functional. Thank you for being friends of No Saints and Caroline :heart::pray:t2:”

Post is here:

It’s good to know she’s in good hands, and there’s plenty more support in the comments on the post. I had just started making this graphic below for her using one of the shots we took of her sneakers. I’m hoping she gets well and gets to see it soon:


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