Category Archives: Podcast

Once you find out that this world is a circle, you can never get lost

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Mere Mortals Podcast

My 2nd podcast with MERE MORTALS!

In Conversation #84, Justin and I discuss: how he is finding an artistic outlet in plants, how technology changes the art scene, the various behaviours found in digital communities, why it’s valuable to have the ability to cold approach, finding a girl who isn’t just a cookie cutter template and the issues he was having with Patreon and DeviantArt.

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No more Monday Morning Rants

I’ve been doing weekly Monday Morning Rant (MMR) videos since September 2020 and I’ve not missed a single week, until today.

The Monday Morning Rant videos have been cathartic for me, like seeing a therapist, they’re a way for me to get shit off my chest.

Last week a guy who’s been following me for over 10 years left a negative comment on my video (he deleted it but I could still read it). He’s left negative stabby comments a few times before, but he’s also left positive ones (he’s probably as bipolar as I am?!), either way I don’t create these rants to nurture negativity, and now that I’m in such a good place (mentally) I’m not sure I need to keep making these rant videos at all.

So as of today I’m not going to be making MMR vids anymore, at least not consistently (who knows when I might need to, or feel like doing one again). It’s been a good run, and served me greatly, but I can already feel a positive change by cutting down on social media (I no longer check Instagram daily, my last post was on Christmas Day).

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Monday Morning Rant

Have a great week all!

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Monday Morning Rant

I bought $1k’s worth of underwear!

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Monday Morning Rant

Monday Morning Rant – HNY ALL!

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Monday Morning Rant – Merry Xmas all!

Date night with Viv & Xmas with the Fam.

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Monday Morning Rant – I’m quitting photography

Short rant this morning. Apartment stuff, quitting photography and some gaming stuff too. Have a great week all!

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Monday Morning Rant

In this morning’s Monday Morning Rant I rant about meeting 2 of my gamer friends in real life.

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Monday Morning Rant – A weekend with Isla Fae

I spent the weekend with the lovely Isla Fae.

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