Category Archives: Photography

Shoot #2 with Isla Fae




I’ve yet to edit the shots I took with the lovely Isla Fae, but this morning I decided to at least have a look and edit a few!

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Isla Fae is in town!

The lovely Isla Fae is staying with me for a couple of nights!

Isla and I spent the entire day out yesterday shooting in and around Botany Bay.

PS: They’ve fenced off ALL of the war bunkers! I’m SO glad I got to shoot in them without all the ugly fencing.

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Farewell House of Photography

A goodbye note I sent through to a Boudoir Photographers community I’ve been a part of on Instagram:

HNY! Selling my house late last year has given me a new outlook on life. Not having to shoot to pay the bills and put food on the table has given me some freedom to ponder and I’ve realised that ever since design school in the late 90’s I’ve been spoilt by computers and lazy with my creativity.

I’m quitting photography (and social media) in an attempt to find more peace and get back to my roots which is drawing and painting.

Much thanks, love and respect for having me on board. It’s been a wild ride! Wishing you all the best! X

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A note to my Patrons and DeviantArt Subscribers


I actually have no more photos to edit right now. You’re all up to date! I’ve been thinking for some time now to quit photography. There are a few reasons:

1) Since I’ve sold my house I’m no longer in a position where I need to shoot in order to live. Having said that I truly appreciate all of the financial support I’ve gotten from you, my Patrons, over all these years. It’s been an amazing ride!

2) I’m an Artist and have always needed to create, but I feel that design and photography have been a little too easy, almost too convenient. I’d love to try and get back into drawing and painting again. Time will tell!

3) Sadly there’s a stigma attached to shooting the female form and one that I’m ready to move away from. From people condemning me for shooting “pornography” to having my work constantly removed from Instagram (and worse yet my accounts banned or deleted).

I’m 100% sure I will still shoot from time to time, but it’s not going to be a job for me anymore going forwards. I’m still unsure about what to do with my Patreon and DeviantArt for now. Do I delete everything or do I keep them up as an archive of sorts so people can still pay for access? Needs more thought!

Either way I hope everyone had a great new years break, here’s to 2023!

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Quitting Photography – A note to my Patrons and DeviantArt subscribers

HNY ALL! I actually have no more photos to edit right now. You’re all up to date! I’ve been thinking for some time now to quit photography. There are a few reasons:

1) Since I’ve sold my house I’m no longer in a position where I need to shoot in order to live. Having said that I truly appreciate all of the financial support I’ve gotten from you, my Patrons, over all these years. It’s been an amazing ride!

2) I’m an Artist and have always needed to create, but I feel that design and photography have been a little too easy, almost too convenient. I’d love to try and get back into drawing and painting again. Time will tell!

3) Sadly there’s a stigma attached to shooting the female form and one that I’m ready to move away from. From people condemning me for shooting “pornography” to having my work constantly removed from Instagram (and worse yet my accounts banned or deleted).

I’m 100% sure I will still shoot from time to time, but it’s not going to be a job for me anymore going forwards. I’m still unsure about what to do with my Patreon and DeviantArt for now. Do I delete everything or do I keep them up as an archive of sorts so people can still pay for access? Needs more thought!

Either way I hope everyone had a great new years break, here’s to 2023!

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We cute!

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Monday Morning Rant – I’m quitting photography

Short rant this morning. Apartment stuff, quitting photography and some gaming stuff too. Have a great week all!

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Isla Fae – Teaser shot

Just one shot from my recent shoot with the lovely Isla Fae.

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Viv and Minty




New shoot with Viv and Minty is making it’s way to my Patreon and DeviantArt now!

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Monday Morning Rant – A weekend with Isla Fae

I spent the weekend with the lovely Isla Fae.

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