Category Archives: Photography

Video: Natasha

A little while back CJ Miles pushed me (not so gently!) to shoot video of her, with Ved’s help the end result came out pretty good! One of the last girls I shot, Natasha, asked for a video too, she specifically had a song in mind for as well (which made it easier), so in between shooting we blasted the song, and I shot some footage, again I handed the footage over to Ved and he worked his magic. Enjoy!

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Photoshoot with Natasha and Ally





Ben from Eurasian Hotties sent me a couple of girls from Melbourne to play with last weekend! Natasha, who’s so crazy photogenic and giving modelling a good go, and her bestie Ally who really didn’t want to be shot (and it kinda shows!), but she had no choice!

Sadly it was a really grey day, no sun. Natasha and I did do a little bit of solo shooting in both Geedup and ZEN, she’s amaze but I wasn’t feeling it as I hated not involving her bestie Ally, so we’re bound to shoot again in future be it in Melbourne, or whenever she returns to Sydney!

Full set:

Agency Eurasian Hotties:
Models Natasha: and Ally:
Makeup by Linda Quach:

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BTS shoot with Mimi Perkins for Geedup Co.










Beau from Geedup invited me to shoot some behind the scenes shots of Eurasian Hotties Mimi Perkins and Lea Niksic in Geedup gear this morning. Turns out the location was Wylie’s Bath’s down the road from my place, and the photographer was Brix, who I’ve been meaning to meet for some time (love his work and was super fun watching him work it!). There was quite the crew; LindaQ makeup, video guy was Adam from Redscope and Ben from Eurasian Hotties was there too.

Full set of my photos here:

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The connect is strong with this one. Another amazing shoot with Rosamina. Full Set:

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Photoshoot with Donna







I shot again with Donna today. She’s a New Yorker who I shot with when she first landed in Sydney a few months ago, but she’s now living in Melbourne studying Burlesque (very cool!).

We shot indoors last time so this time we thought we’d shoot out. Super happy with how the shots came out. Something happens when I get to shoot an Artist. I forget about the grid, and shoot more freely. The shots Donna and I took today are largely unedited; some shots need a little rotation, I could edit out skin imperfections and holes in her stockings too, but I’ve chosen to just leave largely “as shot” and it feels good.

Full Set on my folio.

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Midweek Moët

moet (1)
Posted in OUTTAKES.

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COLLECTEDworks Volume One



My copy of COLLECTEDworks Volume One came in the mail! I’ve got a photo of Cacia Zoo in an outfit from babylikestopony printed over 2 pages. Now to enjoy the rest of the book!

You can buy the book (and preview it in black and white) here:

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Photoshoot with Cara


Hangs, photoshoots. I don’t even know what to call them anymore! Cara and I did the Lazy Sunday thing for reals. She didn’t even bring anything to wear! So rad! We also went down to the beach and I rattled a few shots down by the rocks too which ended up being my fave pics of the bunch. You can view the set here.

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COLLECTEDworks Volume One


I have a photo of Cacia Zoo in an outfit from babylikestopony printed over 2 pages of COLLECTEDworks Volume One. Just ordered my copy! Can’t wait to check it out cover to cover!

You can buy the book (and preview it) here:

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CJ Miles Banana

Miss CJ Miles getting one of her 5 a day!

But seriously… what have I done? On our New Years Eve shoot I shot a lot of video with CJ’s phone for her Snapchat account, when we hooked up to shoot again last Saturday she pushed me to use my camera to shoot video footage of her (sucking a banana no less!!!).

I handed the raw footage to Ved and we jammed out this short clip. It’s fucked up right?! Yaich!!!

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