I’ve got 2 new photo sets up in my photo folio. One in Foxes, another in Tails! Enjoy!
PS: The uncensored photos and outtakes will make their way to my Patreon and Viv now has a Patreon too! Mine/Hers.
I’ve got 2 new photo sets up in my photo folio. One in Foxes, another in Tails! Enjoy!
PS: The uncensored photos and outtakes will make their way to my Patreon and Viv now has a Patreon too! Mine/Hers.
On grid in the first few minutes of our shoot yesterday.
It usually takes a little while for me to get in the zone when shooting with my models. Most of the time I get the girls to put on my least favourite outfit first as the first batch of shots are usually throwaway shots, used more to warm up than anything else.
Yesterday I shot with Vivienne Law, who’s more shy than many would realise, but we know each other well and we’ve created some amazing photos that we both love.
These are the very first shots from yesterday’s shoot. I wouldn’t say they’re great shots, far from it, but I’m happy that they’re not as off as most of my early shots on a shoot (added one shot where my grid is on!).
I just thought I’d share! We ended up shooting under the sheets many hours after this shot was taken, and whilst most of the shots are too much for social media we’re planning to kick off Viv’s own Patreon for the more revealing stuff.
I’ll get Viv’s Patreon up later today and post outtakes to my Patreon too.
Woke up this morning to some messages which got me out of bed quick smart, they were in relation to my Patreon, which I started over a year ago when I was down in some crazy drug induced hole and couldn’t tell up from down.
I’ve made mistakes. Many. I’m trying my best not to make so many, but sometimes the crap keeps resurfacing. I’m now here to stay, and in order to stay I’ve got to make wrongs right.
I had a model reach out to me about her photos being on my Patreon, and that she never approved of them being there. I take this on board with absolute seriousness and full responsibility (or lack there-of!) as I respect all the girls I’ve ever shot with and believe the photos are theirs, not mine (if ever a girl has asked me to take photos down (mostly due to career changes), even if I paid for a shoot, then by all means I always have always taken them down).
I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t think I was thinking at all. I know I promoted my Patreon a lot when I first launched it, and only 3 days ago I relaunched it, but did not at all see what I had posted in the past.
I’ve since removed any questionable images, and with the photos up there right now I have in writing (well… in messages) that the models in these shots are more than happy for me to have these outtake and uncensored images on my Patreon.
Just a heads up for anyone looking to do something similar with Patreon, be sure you have written permission before hand. Sounds like common sense, right? But I can say common sense has gotten the better or me many a time and I can’t assume all of you that read what I write are full of common sense, so I thought I’d still post this up as a friendly reminder.
Content on my Patreon is thinner than ever now that I’ve deleted a handful of images, but rest assured the girls featured up there right now I have permission from, and I have many more outtakes and uncensored photos to come.
Thanks to those who are willing to support me financially. It’s an embarrassing ask considering my mum has and can pay to keep me going, but I’m trying my best to put my head down and work hard like I used to, and to not rely on her, and I still dream to pay off the huge debts she’s paid on my behalf to own ZEN Garage outright.
My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/justinfoxphoto
Lazy Sunday shoot with Sophia. Her 2nd shoot, and she’s the first new girl I’ve shot this year! Full Set in my photo folio: http://www.justinfoxphoto.com/girls#/sophia/ and some outtakes on my Patreon (which I’m getting going again!): https://www.patreon.com/justinfoxphoto
These sunglasses have my name on them!
Ray-Ban Justin sunglasses inspired by Wayfarer, but with larger rectangle lenses and a really nice rubberised frame. They fit amazing and the rubbery frame finish feels nice on the face. Best of all I went for the polarised lenses! It’s been so many years since I’ve had some polarised lenses! I’m going to wear these to death!
Boys and their toys. Last Sunday Maroubra Beach was alive. Subcultures of men of all ages, in the zone, doing the thing be it surfing, fishing, RC gliding or RC crawling. #FINDYOURZEN
More proof that it pays to invest into your own platforms than others. With thousands of my photographs flagged NSFW I figure it’s best to simply tear my photography tumblr down, but that’s been far from simple as removing the thousands of images hasn’t been easy. The tumblr mass editor only let me manually select and delete 100 images at a time. It’s taken me just under 1.5hrs to delete all my images dating back to 2014.
The ZEN Tumblr is all broken too. Many images of motorcycles and art have been flagged and there’s no easy way for us to delete all these flagged posts as lots of them are reblogs (we didn’t upload the original image). We’ve found a theme that allows us to embed our Soundcloud Playlist without either spitting out the code, or making the playlist restart every time you want to load more images. It’s a hack, but hey, hacking has always been the way forward, right?!
HAUNT: http://zengarage.tumblr.com
To celebrate being banned off Facebook (twice now since I’ve been ‘back’) I thought I’d open up my drunken $600 eBay purchase, a genuine numbered copy of the 2010 Pirelli Calendar by my fave rock star Photographer, the one and only Terry Richardson. I’ve decided to shoot each page. Just a few teasers above, will post the lot soon!