No bullshit, it’s not easy to take a shot of a pussy artistically. Over the years I’ve tried, and in the end it usually just ends up looking like a photo of a vagina… kinda in your face, especially if it ends up taking up most of the space in a photo.
I ended up shooting Viv’s vag the first time we shot, and yup, apart from sending them through to her to check out, we’ve not done anything with the photos since. Since Patreon!!!
She’s set up a new tier on her Patreon site to view the hotter images we take. I’ll be sharing them here too. She’s a champ for letting me post her photos. This small amount of monthly money I make from Patreon is helping me survive atm. I’ve not been big on making money in the past few years… I’ve really got to get realistic though, and stop it with the anti-corporate/money making thing.
Reading through old interviews I did in print, and also online through waybackmachine, I’ve often found myself refering to money in a positive light, and that I liked money, and liked making it. I’ve got to at least try to get back there again as I do like nice things, and can’t deny that I’d love to get a few passion projects off the ground (to do that, I need money!).
But first, credit where it’s due. This is a shot of Viv I took earlier this week. There’s a whole bunch more that show a lot more. Shooting between her legs isn’t easy! I pride myself on being professional during shoots, but I’m only human and had to stop a few times to chill the fuck out! Many more to come, with Viv’s blessing.
My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/justinfoxphoto
Her Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/viv__x