Category Archives: Photography

Nanami Cowdroy Peace Pins




We just shot these awesome Nanami Cowdroy Art Peace Pins in the new studio! For every Peace Pin sold, 10% of the proceeds will be donated to the Australian Red Cross. Each pin is signed by Nanami too.

You can buy them direct on her online shop:

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Threesome Studio

WhatsApp Image 2019-05-18 at 12.37.47 PM


Test shots of Viv in our new Threesome photo studio! They came out real nice!

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My Patreon is coming along


When I shoot with Viv, we now shoot for Patreon, both hers, and mine. Her clients go wild over the stuff, and I’ve had more than a few guys over the years wishing I would send them uncensored photos, so we figure we’d go all out and take some pretty damn saucy stuff for the fans.

I’m now making $442/month on Patreon. This is legitimately helping me out with every day living expenses. I mean, hey! It’s enough to pay for the groceries (I currently only do a food shop every 2 weeks but will start shopping every week!). Thanks to all who have supported me on Patreon. I’ve now got 3 more new girls to shoot who I hope will also let me shoot and upload photos which are too hot for Instagram to my Patreon.

Visit (obviously NSFW!):

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Photo Shoot @ Threesome Studio

Testing out the new photo studio with viv__x

We’re ready to shoot, so if you need stuff shot drop me a line!

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New Instagram Account:


Yah I’m stupid. When I was depressed late last year I deleted my Instagram account as I didn’t think I’d be hanging around for much longer. I’ve started it up again and I’m a long way from the 13,000 followers I once had, but that’s OK. Please follow!

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My Muse


Viv and I make such an awesome team. We never have plans for our shoots, we just get together and do what we do. She gets better at modelling every single time and she makes me a better photographer by pushing me to find new shots, new angles, and sometimes even throwing away the grid and shooting looser, off the hip and just being in the moment.

My new Instagram account:
Uncensored Photos:
Viv’s Patreon:

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Threesome Studio

2019-05-06 - Threesome 003

2019-05-06 - Threesome 005

2019-05-06 - Threesome 006

2019-05-06 - Threesome 011

2019-05-06 - Threesome 013

2019-05-06 - Threesome 018

2019-05-06 - Threesome 020

2019-05-06 - Threesome 021

2019-05-06 - Threesome 022

2019-05-06 - Threesome 025

2019-05-06 - Threesome 026

2019-05-06 - Threesome 044

Pretty excited. Won’t lie! The Studio is all set up and we’re ready for client shoots. People, products, we got this!

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Secret Spot









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Shooting pussy, artistically?!


No bullshit, it’s not easy to take a shot of a pussy artistically. Over the years I’ve tried, and in the end it usually just ends up looking like a photo of a vagina… kinda in your face, especially if it ends up taking up most of the space in a photo.
I ended up shooting Viv’s vag the first time we shot, and yup, apart from sending them through to her to check out, we’ve not done anything with the photos since. Since Patreon!!!

She’s set up a new tier on her Patreon site to view the hotter images we take. I’ll be sharing them here too. She’s a champ for letting me post her photos. This small amount of monthly money I make from Patreon is helping me survive atm. I’ve not been big on making money in the past few years… I’ve really got to get realistic though, and stop it with the anti-corporate/money making thing.

Reading through old interviews I did in print, and also online through waybackmachine, I’ve often found myself refering to money in a positive light, and that I liked money, and liked making it. I’ve got to at least try to get back there again as I do like nice things, and can’t deny that I’d love to get a few passion projects off the ground (to do that, I need money!).

But first, credit where it’s due. This is a shot of Viv I took earlier this week. There’s a whole bunch more that show a lot more. Shooting between her legs isn’t easy! I pride myself on being professional during shoots, but I’m only human and had to stop a few times to chill the fuck out! Many more to come, with Viv’s blessing.

My Patreon:
Her Patreon:

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Mid Week Hangs with Viv



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