Category Archives: Photography

Miss Sophia Sato



Lazy Sundaze.

It’s always good to get out of my place and shoot elsewhere. Miss Sophia Sato invited me to her apartment and I was stoked to find bright AF, filled with warm sunlight.

Lots of the photos we took are a little too cheeky for social media, but I’ll be sharing some of them on my Patreon this week:

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Pretty in Pink


Awesome hangs and a shoot with Viv again last week, as usual… all the shots too cheeky for social media! They’ll appear on my Patreon:

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Shoot with Juici Luci




Had a great day shooting and hanging with Luci Fang last weekend, waaaay too much wine! Nick got some studio shots in too, will share those in another post. My photos are up in the folio:

Follow Luci:

PS: Starting to get pickier with which shots I choose to publish to my Photo Folio ( I used to be really proud of the fact that I posted photo stories in the folio, each with a lot (10-30) of shots, but now I seem to be hunting for that one shot, or 2… just like every other photographer?!

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Feeling Blue


Had an awesome shoot with Viv and friend last weekend. She’s just turned 25, and she’s going through some seriously heavy family shit, stuff that’s going to make her grow up real fast. Super proud of how she’s handling it all. We spent a day drinking and shooting, we all had heaps of fun and she managed to forget about her issues, at least for the day! All of the stuff we shot was for Patreon. IE: All of it’s way too much to post on social media as Viv’s panties were see-through (and we ended up taking them off anyways!!!). You can find shots from the set on both her Patreon, and mine.

Viv’s Patreon:

PS: Just a huge thanks too to all those who are supporting me via Patreon. I’m still WAY in the red. I’m legit starting to feel like this is just normal. I’ve gotten rid of my credit card. I just had to. I’m not making any money with ZEN Garage as I’m really not pushing product right now, and we’re not paying ourselves a salary yet with Threesome either. I’m now making $500/month on Patreon and it’s literally paying for my groceries, which I’m very grateful for!

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FUJI X AUS Talk at Ted’s World Of Imaging

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 017

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 029

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 024

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 057

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 038

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 067

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 059

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 048

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 073

2019-06-16 - Fuji X Aus [Ted's World Of Imaging] 078

Last Sunday I was invited to speak at Ted’s World Of Imaging as part of a Fuji X Aus panel discussion on entrepreneurship.

First up on the stage was Warwick from Fuji who ran the audience (which was around 60 or so people, small but nice!) through features of the new Fuji GFX 100. 100 megapixels… I’m sure gear heads in the crowd might have been frothing at the specs, but I’m no gear head and I was chomping at the bit by the end of Warwick’s presentation for Nick Turner to get up and do his thang!

And what a thing of beauty Nick’s presentation was. He had half an hour to go through his creative process. I was so impressed with his talk that I’m going to do my best to get him in front of design students in future to do the exact same talk. They need to hear what he has to say! In fact, any creative out there, whether just starting out or seasoned professional, would have gotten a lot out of his slick talk. Sincerely. I loved it. I even think he should make a book out of it.

Next up was the entrepreneurship segment. I was on the panel with Tina Lee, founder of No More Ugly camera bags (check out her bags, they’re amazing! Especially love the all black one), Nick and Sydney based Photographer Kevin Case of MainFocus Photography.

Charlie Blevins, the MC did an awesome job in keeping the conversation flowing. We discussed how we developed the concept for our businesses, how we advertise our businesses, tips for others starting out, other hats we wear in life and what we look for in quality connections. I said nearly everything I wanted to say, and then some.

After the panel discussion we all headed to the QVB for a Photo Walk. Rad! The theme was timeless. You can see the entries here.

Ultimately I had an awesome time and it felt really fucking good to be on the stage once more.

PS: Photos above my Sniper Sam!

No More Ugly
MainFocus Photography

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Nathan Kumar

RAZOR SHARP! Racecar Driver and Driving Coach Nathan Kumar shot in the Threesome Photo Studio.

We’ve started work on his logo too (it’s looking good!). More updates as they come!

PS: Drop me a PM if you need logo work, or photography!

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Viv and friend at the Old Clare






Had a blast the other night shooting in dying light with Viv and friend at The Old Clare hotel in Chippendale. Shots came out real nice, and many of them way too cheeky for social media. Uncensored photos on my Patreon:

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Deadly Envy full set is now live on the folio











Full Set with the ammazing Esse/@DeadlyEnvy is now live on my folio: – Outtakes are available on my Patreon:

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Deadly Envy




FINALLY got to shoot with Esse/Deadly Envy last weekend. I’ve wanted to shoot with her for years, and recently I’ve found that she posts the best fucking shit on her Facebook feed. I love pretty much all the random shit she posts, so it wasn’t a surprise at all that we got on like a house on fire! More hangs than a shoot, for sure, and I’m sure it won’t be our last shoot together.

These shots are something a little different (for me!).

Shooting Esse in the studio had me WAY out of my comfort zone. In the end I just don’t think studio photography is my thing. Love the look, love these shots, but just don’t love the process.

Looking through the view finder, and seeing something completely different come out makes me feel a little uneasy/unnatural, but hey I’ve always wanted to have a go at studio photography.

I’m sure I’ll use the studio again in future, but for now I’ll leave Nick and Dianne to do the studio shoots and I’ll stick with my blurry AF natural light stuff!

Much thanks to Nick for setting up the studio for this dark moody shot. Much thanks too to Esse for being patient with me whilst I was noobing with the set-up!

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Interviewed on Foxy Asia Magazine


I’ve been featured and interviewed on Foxy Asia Magazine. LOVE the intro, really well written and it makes me feel good about myself:

G’day indeed.

Hailing from down under, photographer Justin Fox is one of the hottest in the game, with his drool-inducing Insta babes and a knack for framing some of the sultriest camera angles possible.

Preferring to shoot in natural light than in meticulously lit studios, Justin’s works stand out for their sunlit glow and laid-back atmosphere. “I used to shoot only on weekends, so I really tried to capture that lazy Sunday vibe in my shots,” he explains. This is evident in the images he produces, which convey an intimacy borne of organic moments shared between photographer and model, a refreshing change from the often artificial, overly designed images so common these days.

Justin’s shots provide glimpses into moments of truth and reality, a fitting artistic vision for someone who’s so candid and real about his life as a photographer in this exclusive interview with Foxy Asia Magazine.

Oh, and he also shoots nudes.

Justin, first of all thank you for spending some time with Foxy Asia Magazine.
How did you get into photography?

Hey guys, thanks for the opportunity! When I was in design school my mum handed me her vintage Canon SLR. I was in a 3-piece rock band at the time. I wore heels, leggings, had long hair braids… I just tried to look as weird as possible! I had truly amazingly strange friends and I’d often shoot them with the SLR, and shoot myself on timer (selfies before the term “selfie” was even around!). I dated a girl who let me shoot her nude and I’ve shot with pretty much all my girlfriends ever since. 

What were your biggest challenges when starting out?

Learning how to use the camera! When I started out I didn’t have much of an idea of what I was doing with the SLR, but I loved it and took it everywhere with me. I used Ilford film and I’d get the rolls done at the 1hr lab for whack results. 20 years later I still find the camera, and all it’s functions, challenging as I’m not the most technically adept photographer (I just shoot in aperture priority mode at 1.4 and that’s it!).

How would you describe your style of photography? How did you go about creating your own style?

I used to shoot only on weekends, so I really tried to capture that lazy Sunday vibe in my shots. Tonnes of natural light, soft environments (my couch or my bed). I like shooting into the light, which makes for “blown out” shots which has become a part of my style. I shoot at 1.4 and so I’m always focusing on the one thing, this makes me get right in the mix and close to my models, what comes out are intimate shots where you feel like you’re in the shots, rather than looking at a girl from afar. Above all I’m a professional designer by trade so I really know how to frame a shot well. 

Who was your first photo shoot with? How did it go?

I’ve had many previous intimate nude shoots with ex-girlfriends but my first shoot that started a whole lot more shoots was with a girl who we shot for ZEN Garage. At the time I was only shooting behind the scenes material, but I found that the pro photographers we used were way too slow in getting their images to us, so one day I thought fuck it. I’m going to shoot the girls myself, and that stuck. 

You had your old IG account (@justinfoxau) for a long time and had a large number of followers. Why did you delete that account and leave IG?

Yeah I had 13k followers which isn’t so bad for a guy, but last year I really hit rock bottom. I felt like I had no reason to live, so on a whim I thought fuck Instagram and just hit the delete button. Finally my mother dragged me into my family GP, who diagnosed me with depression. I got on the meds, saw a psychiatrist and psychologists. I still see a psychiatrist today but I’ve cut down on the medication a lot from when I first started them early January this year.

Can you tell us more about your battle with depression. How long have you suffered from it and what do you think brought it on? How have you coped with it?

Drugs. I love drugs. I love being wasted. I’ve been smoking weed since I was in high school (I’m 44 this month). Last year I was smoking an ounce of weed a week. I’d wake up at 4:20AM and smoke bongs until midnight. I didn’t sleep in my bed and just crashed on the couch. I gamed hard and watched every single documentary on serial killers I could. I never showered, sometimes I’d pee in empty soft drink bottles instead of walking to the toilet. In the end I think a whole year of not sleeping properly was what really fucked me up. I used to ask “why” people managed to do crazy shit (mass murders, etc), but now I realised the real question was “how” and the answer is usually not sleeping for days at a a time. That’s sure as fuck to drive anyone crazy! The therapy hasn’t really helped, what did help was having a close friend move in and support me for 2 whole weeks. Early January I smashed my bong and I’ve not smoked weed since (but now I drink, a LOT!). 

Why did you decide to come back to IG now?

I started a new design studio this year, and have been doing some really crap corporate logo design work for the past few months. It’s been killing me, and I’ve had to sack a few clients as I just can’t do shit work anymore. I love photography. I love the 1-on-1 nature of how I shoot, and I especially love the positive feedback girls give me after they’ve shot with me and seen the results. Just last week I’ve decided to drop graphic design for good (unless it’s genuinely working on a project which excites me) and focus on photography as a full time profession. 

What would you like to be remembered for?

For being real. 

Before we let you go, any final words you’d like to say to your fans and followers? Anyone in particular you’d like to send a shout out to?

Just thanks. I’m not an easy guy to back, and I’m an even harder to hang with. I put my friends through the wringer time and time again, but I have amazing friends and fans who have supported me in more ways than they realise. So, gratitude, and a sincere thanks to all those who get me and continue to give me energy.


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