Over the past few years I’ve had a really hard time promoting my photography as most, if not all of it, is NSFW content. I’ve been banned numerous times on Instagram and Facebook, most of the time it feels unfair, but hey, rules are rules and I’ve really got no one to blame but myself for getting banned on those platforms.
Enter reddit.
I’ve been stalking reddit for years, but I’ve always been hesitant to post much as I’ve read a whole lot of toxic negativity in the communities that I previously followed (that and I hate getting downvoted for my honest opinions!). As of this year I’ve been shooting full time and living off paid shoots as well as income from my Patreon so I thought that it was about time I try to find other ways to promote my art.
Some of the shots I’m most proud of are in situ. My aim with these shots is to try and make you, the viewer, feel like they’re in the moment. I really wanted to name this subreddit “In Situ” but hey, it was taken. Point Of View (POV) has some quite nasty pornographic connotations, but it’s quite literally what I’m capturing so I’ve settled for POVphoto, for now.
Please feel free to invite whoever you think would appreciate my work to this subreddit. I’m keeping it private for now so I can control what you all see. Thanks for joining (much appreciate the support) and hope you enjoy the content to come!
Join: https://www.reddit.com/r/POVphoto/