Category Archives: Photography

Photoshoot with Miss Mischa Lee





First shoot out of lockdown. It’s time to get back to work! Mischa is a Sydney based escort who doesn’t show her face in photos, that made for some pretty naughty body shots especially for Patrons in my $50 Patreon Tier. Find all the photos on my Patreon over the next couple of weeks:

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Viv is all right in white



Cheeky new photo set with Viv is making its way to my Patreon now. Thanks in advance for your support:

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New shoot with Viv and Ellie now on my Patreon








New uncensored photo sets with Viv and Ellie are up on my Patreon (which I update every day!). Visit/Support:

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Viv in Legwarmers

Viv in Legwarmers.

The full photo set is now live on my Patreon (thanking all my Patrons for the support!):

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Patreon Update

New impromptu late nite shoot with Viv now on my Patreon.

I’ve had a few loyal Patrons message me to apologise for not being able to continue on my $50 Tier (they’ve dropped down to the $5 Tier) due to tough times in lockdown and man, it’s nuts that they’re even apologising! I totally get it, and am super appreciative of all the support they’ve ever given me (and continue to give).

As always, it’s always more value for money if you sign up to my Patreon at the beginning of each month (IE: now) as Patreon charges on the first of every month. I’ve not shot with any models since lockdown but with Viv moving in it means I’ll now still be able to shoot new content (I update my Patreon every single day with new photos).


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Photoshoot with Viv and Ellie




Normally I’d colour correct overly warm/yellow shots but in the spirit of keeping shots raw and “as shot” (and that I like the warm vibes!) I’ve decided to leave these alone. I’ve just started editing this set so look out for the full uncensored set on my Patreon next week.

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Abby at her place

Yes she now has a pole in her lounge room!

This set with Abby is now uploading to my Patreon. Find all the uncensored photos there! Visit/Support:

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Last photoshoot before lockdown

Just one shot from yesterday’s awesome shoot with Abby at her place.

Looks like it’s going to be the last shoot for a while! I’ve sadly had to postpone 4 upcoming shoots due to lockdown. Stay safe all!

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My reddit profile

From my shoot with the amazing Marketa.

It took me so long to be more active on reddit as initially I just thought it was a home for negative creeps and trolls, but honestly. I’ve really been enjoying it over the past few years. There’s more of a sense of community there than on any other platform IMHO.

Visit my profile (and the subreddits I moderate!):

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Provide your feedback here ya filthy bastards

So I had a pretty big win today and I feel quite good about it.

A few months back I had a disagreement with a female moderator on the official r/boudoir subreddit. She deleted a couple of my photos suggesting they were not boudoir, and not empowering women (can of worms). I called her out in public about it and we’ve been civil since but just a few days ago I noticed a pinned post on the boudoir subreddit with the title:

MOD POST: Provide your feedback here ya filthy bastards

To my surprise it was written by the same female mod I had an issue with. Initially I ignored it, but the next day I couldn’t help but respond. This is what I wrote:

Considering there’s 40,000 members on this subreddit and you’ve only had 6 replies to this pinned post I do believe there is a potential problem, but labelling your audience “filthy bastards” and taking into consideration that surely not all your 40,000 followers are men, nor are they all filthy bastards, probably doesn’t help?

I’m a full time boudoir photographer and shooting is my livelihood. IE: It pays for my bills and food and my work also helps my clients make money to thrive and in many cases survive. As a male boudoir photographer I take offence to being called a filthy bastard, and fail to see how that kind of language fits in to boudoir which (to me) is all about the art and being classy.

I’ve since kicked off my own boudoir subreddit but earlier today I got a message from a guy who was once a moderator of the official boudoir subreddit. He took over it when it had 10K followers and grew it to 37K before asking the new moderators to join as he didn’t have enough time to run it. He’s since found more time and he’s now running a smaller private boudoir subreddit just for professionals. He found the post I posted above and sent me a message to invite me to join. I’m chuffed, and consider it a win!

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