A few weeks ago I was at CCACHE, my local bike shop, and I spent the whole Saturday there with Sam the mechanic and a young guy who was having his bike serviced.
It turns out the guy knows about ZEN Garage and was surprised to find out I was the guy who owned and ran it. He said he was 15 when he visited ZEN in Leichhardt, and it brought back good memories for him.
Anyways, fast forward to a week or so ago, one of his videos RANDOMLY rocks up on my YouTube feed! Turns out he’s an aspiring racer now in the cycling scene (he makes great videos!). I subscribed, and left a comment to which he replied:
hahaha how small a world is it! Glad one popped up for you mate. Great meeting you at CCACHE the other week! Thanks for subbing. P.S. you are taking me back to my youth with the ZenGarage account, 15 year old Max would be stoked 😂😂
And get this, literally a few days ago I was watching my fave Australian cycling related podcast The Nero Show and gues who’s on the show as a guest? Max Mann!
Super happy for him, that’s massive exposure. Way to go Mann!
ANYWAYS. There’s more. Just a few minutes ago Nick messages me;
“I heard you ran into one of the models I shoot with at CCACHE”.
I’m like hmmmm. I don’t think I’ve met any models at CCACHE at all…
Then it hits me. BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In March 2023 Nick invited me to be BTS shooter for an INSPORT shoot and guess who the male model was?

What a fucking small world, right?!
Follow Max on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ItsMaxMann