Category Archives: Pets

Mia – Day 5

Freaky stretch!

Christina’s been sick for months now (since before she left for China). Initially the doctor diagnosed it as tonsillitis and after 2 courses of antibiotics we’re now waiting for a blood test to see if it’s perhaps glandular fever.

Mia’s been keeping her plenty busy though and spends most of her time walking all over Christina’s keyboard or resting in her lap. Day 5 and she’s been great! Such a good girl!

In other news: I’ve been invited to give an inspirational design talk this Friday at Kogarah Tafe. It’s been a while since I’ve done a talk so I’m pretty excited and will spend some time tomorrow putting together my presentation. I’ve been slugging away at Modern Pet Shop too which is looking pretty damn good I have to say (click here to see what it used to look like and click here to see what it currently looks like). I’ve got another fashion store to do for Tendy’s wife so hacking the matrix is really helping me get up to speed with shopping carts. I’ve also been hired to help get a new community off the ground (a secret for now), automotive and community related but it’s coming along nicely. I’ve been keeping up daily maintenance on the fish tank and last of all Peter from Bodyform (he’s arguably the best body kit manufacturer and fitter out there) has asked me to re-design his web site. Busy? Yup. Stressed out? Yup but it’s good stress and I’m loving everything I’m working on at the moment.

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Mia – Day 3

Mia playing.

We were a little worried that little Mia would cry all night (despite Russian Blue’s being quiet cats the breeders let us know that Mia was the most vocal of the bunch!). Amazingly she slept through the entire night, in the kitty room without making a sound (phew!).

Our little bundle of fluff, early in the morning, checking out the garden.

We couldn’t resist letting her out of her kitty room. She’s a good explorer though she cries when she’s exploring an area where she can’t see or hear us.

She’s tiny but she’s grown twice the size in just 3 weeks (since we first saw her at the breeders).

Later that day Jamie, Richie and Mum came over to play!

Mia’s getting lots and lots of pressies too (so funny).

Jamie (might as well call my sister ‘cat lady’!) played with Mia so much that she conked out early afternoon and pretty much stayed KO’d until bed time and once again she slept through the entire night without a meow. She’s so good!

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Mia is home


Mia came home this morning. She’s settled into her kitty room nicely and right now she’s fast asleep! We’re pretty sure she’ll cry when she wakes up and realises we’re not still in the room with her though!

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Aquarium Update

Latest full tank shot.

I use a 4 stage reverse osmosis filter system to create freshwater for dehydration top-ups and I hadn’t changed the filters since buying the unit in 2007 (!). Today I received a filter replacement kit in the mail from PSI. You can see how yellow the old sediment filter had gotten over the years.

Unfortunately my nitrates are still sitting at 50ppm despite doing small daily water changes. I might have to do one huge water change somehow (buy a big tub?!).

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Mia’s room

Our baby Russian Blue kitty Mia will be with us next week and Christina and I have been getting her room ready (she’ll stay in this room for at least a week until we slowly introduce her to the rest of the house).

Yep I’ve got to get my guitar gear outta there quick smart.

Pink? OK but only if I can have skulls on it.

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Aquarium update

My Uncle John, who like me, also spends a lot of time in his man cave (which is his shop!).

Today I visited my Uncle John at Beach Aquariums in Bondi Beach. He had a LOT of stock from 2 aquarium shops that have recently gone down (Coral Sea from Randwick and another from out west somewhere). He’s basically helping these guys liquidate their stock so I picked up some bargains.

I picked up some salt mix and 4 100W heaters. I would have gone for 2 x 200w heaters but they wouldn’t have fit in my tiny sump. These 4 will fit just fine and I can now remove the massive Jager heater in the tank (which has done good for the past few years despite the condensation happening inside the heater).

Heaters in place in the sump.

My new nitrate test kit read 50. 50?! 50 is really bad as it really should read 0. There are a lot of potential contributing factors: I’ve realised that the RO unit I’ve been running for top-up water hasn’t had cartridges changed since 2007 (my bad). I’ll sort that out ASAP. No water changes for months, no skimmer maintenance and old filter media in the canister would not have helped and the huge rock wall I had in the tank was always against me (so much detritus build up back there).

I decided to remove a LOT of rock work to aid flow and I’ve basically made islands (no rock is leaning up against the rear glass any more).

Latest FTS.

More updates (and water changes) to come!

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Aquarium update

2007 – The tank (when it was amazing!).

Initially my 6ft tank was a freshwater set-up and in 2007 Christina (who wanted nemo’s!) and I started over and set it up as a marine tank. It was in it’s prime by the end of 2007. I was obsessed with aquaria (even hanging out on fish forums) and I was changing 10-20% of the tank water weekly with natural salt water which I collected at the boat ramp in Botany (heavy and depending on the tide, sometimes dangerous work!).

2008 and a lot of the hard corals had died off.

At some point I failed to keep up the tank maintenance and all of the more fragile corals started dying off one by one (pretty sad as most if not all of it had been plucked from the ocean). I only just realised today that it’s been 8 months since I’ve changed any water (!) and I hadn’t serviced the equipment nor did I change the light bulbs (pretty important in a marine tank as many corals feed off light).

2009 and the anemones are shrinking (read: dying).

I spent today taking everything apart. Before I did anything I took a photo of my current set-up:

Neglected tank.

Amazingly all my fish are fine. I put it down to the system I spent a lot of time designing when I was super into it in 07/08. On the left is a small canister filter which runs filter media which reduces phosphates. The white bucket on the left is filled with highly filtered tap water and when the tank volume drops (due to evaporisation) a sensor triggers the pump inside this bucket to fill up the sump. Next is my remote deep sand bed which is designed to reduce nitrates, next to that is a protein skimmer which is hanging off a sump which gets water via an overflow box on the back of the main tank and a pump in the sump redirects water back into the main tank.

Whilst it’s a largely automated system, it turns out my protein skimmer was completely non-functional (blocked up) and 2 out of 4 bulbs had blown. I used to have a light and a lot of green seaweed growing in the sump which produced a whole lot of micro organisms which in turn fed the fish and critters in the tank but that all died off ages ago. The media in the small canister would be long expired and as you can see there’s a lot of salt creep all over the sump and skimmer.

I’ve cleaned everything up and ordered new filter media for the canister, new bulbs too. I’ve serviced the skimmer and it’s now working as well as the first day I bought it. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get the tank into such great shape again but I’m at least going to attempt to keep a monthly routine which will include servicing the skimmer and preforming a 20% water change. More updates as they come!

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modern pet shop

WIP: modern pet shop logo.

For a good part of last year (6 months+) I was working on a business plan for opening a bike shop in the city. Fortunately it’s going to happen but unfortunately I’m not going to be a part of it. The situation is a little bitter sweet but I’m happy it’s going ahead and I learnt a lot through writing the business plan (something I’ve never done in depth before).

My sister has been pretty keen to start a family business of sorts for some time now and a few months ago we all went to a huge China trade fair in search for “something” which we could possibly import and sell. Unfortunately we didn’t find anything great (filling up a 20ft container with products that you’re not confident will sell is a pretty scary gamble!) so we put everything on ice for a while until recently.

For the past few months we’ve been talking about selling modern pet goods and slowly but surely our new business venture is shaping up. We’ve started work on an identity (see above logo symbol and logotype) and we’ve also developed this little blurb:

At modern pet shop we stock select items to satisfy many a pampered pet from a range of edgy, well-designed accessories, ranging from hand-stitched leather collars and leads, to wooden feeding bowls and organic treats.

Pampered pets never had it so good!

Legalities have been sorted and it’s full steam ahead. Yes there’s going to be some gambling involved (definitely not something I’m great at) and yes we’re bracing ourselves for potentially tense times, especially that family is involved but I’m feeling pretty positive about it all. More updates as they come!

EDIT: On a (very) related note this just came in the mail today from the USA:


Christina spotted this on the internet and had to have one. It’s a cat carrier which doubles up as a bed. It’s even got an in-built electric blanket! It’s very well made and the Apple like packaging was pretty impressive too. Very much in line with the kind of stuff we’d love to sell on the shop.

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My new anthias which have added a lot more movement and colour to my tank.

My blue chromis have finally picked each other off and there’s only one guy left (there were 4 of them initially) so today Christina and I dropped into Kims in Ashfield in search for some schooling fish to add to the tank.

Schooling fish tend to be quite dumb and not afraid of people walking up to the tank, this helps the more intelligent and sometimes jumpy fish to calm down (my yellow and blue tangs tend to bolt for cover when I near the tank).

We spotted these beautiful Anthias. They school, they’re hardy and they’re placid too. The males and pink and females are orange but they can change sex too (and thus change colours). Pretty interesting huh? We bought 5 of them and we also got a whole lotta morphs too (Kim looked after us with a nice discount as well).

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Tonight we headed over to Jamie and Richie’s place for dinner (always yum yum!) and they had a lot of hand-me-down goodies to give us!


You’d think that we were having kids?!

Going over was also a great excuse to play with naughty Jasper.

And Layla…

… who has her own home brew!

Our kitten will be ready to pick up on the 7th next month and Christina’s been going cat crazy lately (she’s doing LOTS of internet research!). We’ve got a pretty big list of names, on that list “Ponyo” & “Ebi” stood out but we’re pretty set on naming her “Mia”. :)

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