Category Archives: Pets

Hemianthus Callitrichoides


Tank in situ.

I’ve been looking to create a lawn effect for the ADA tank. The idea is to make the rocks look like huge mountains. After much hunting I’ve managed to source some South American HC (Hemianthus Callitrichoides) which is amongst the smallest of plants. I’ve killed a lot of plants in the past, far from green fingers. Fingers crossed I’ll keep this stuff alive though!

I had the C02 running and it finished in 2 nights (it’s meant to go for months at a drop or so/second). Yup I had a BIG leak somewhere. In a hurry I dropped in to see Barry at B&C Aquarium this morning and he went all out to help me find the leak, fix it and fill up my bottle too (he’s a top guy especially considering I didn’t buy the C02 gear from him!).

I still need to hunt down a G12 150W 8000k bulb, this bulb is a lottle too purple for my liking as it’s meant for a marine set-up. Finding the right bulb is proving impossible though. No one has one in the country and the only place that does know of themwill not bring just one in from Japan (min. order is 50!). I also still need a black background. and I’ve yet to tidy up all cabling with white cable tidy.

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ADA Iwagumi

Beautiful Fig Tree.

At the base there’s glosso, hair grass and java moss.

It’s so bonsai like. I love it!

Fig tree sitting in the hang on back filter.

Iwagumi scape.

Today Christina and I dropped in to Aquaristic, an aquarium shop on Botany Road I’ve been wanting to visit for some time. The shop was super impressive. So clean, so neat and everything was just presented so well.

I walked out with a few rocks to begin my Iwagumi (Japanese rock garden) scape for the ADA Mini-L Nano tank and also scored a lovely fig tree which I’ve put in the hang on back filter.

I’ve got a lot more work to do. Cleaning up the wires, the background and also changing the light to a more natural yellow bulb but I’m pretty happy with the scape I ended up with. Looking forward to getting some micro-leaved plants in there soon.

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ADA Cube Garden Mini L

I sold Mr. Mantis Shrimp 2 weeks ago (he made for a very boring pet as he never came out of his cave) and I’ve torn down the tank to get ready for a planted C02 set-up (what I should have done all along).

Gearing up!

Working with this kinda gear always scares the shit out of me.

Laying down the ADA fertilisers.

9kg’s worth of ADA aquasoil.

150W metal halide.

It’s way too blue (marine tank light) so I’ll have to change the bulb out for something more natural (yellow).

Also got delivery of most of Tony’s gear for his Namatjira inspired tank. You can view the updates here.

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Cleaner Wrasse

Yesterday I bought a fish I’ve always wanted.

He adds a lot of difference to the tank in the way he swims (love how he glides through the water). He’s not gotten close to cleaning the long standing tank mates. Blue Tang is now king of the tank and last night he was giving the new guy some attitude, so too my flame angel but today they’re all getting along a lot better.

I’ve been worried about keeping one of these fish as I’ve read that they often starve once there’s no more parasites to clean off other fishes. I’ve also read that they tend to harass other fishes once there’s no more parasites left to eat too (due to starving and desperately seeking more food). I had 3 to choose from in the shop (a small shop in Bondi Junction) and I chose the most colourful one as well as the most aggressive (he seemed very insanely happy to greet me up against the glass).

This morning I fed a little flake and he’s eating it at the surface. I just tried a block of mysid and he’s gobbling that up too (phew!). I also just did a water change and he bit my arm! Looks like he’ll be just fine :)

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Modern Pet Shop is live!

W00t! We’re live!

Some say you should never work with family, but with all 4 of us being animal lovers and graphic designers we couldn’t resist! It’s been hard work but our online designer pet accessories shop is finally live so please check it out and spread the word to all your animal loving friends, we’d really appreciate it!


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Modern Pet goes live tomorrow morning!

Modern Pet business cards.

Cards, swing tags for all the products in our shop, stickers and bags too.

It’s been a hard road but our online pet accessories shop (family business between Christina and I + Jamie and Richie) launches tomorrow! We’re relieved, excited, nervous and anxious! More new tomorrow :)

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Big girl now

Mia’s a big girl now (well…almost!).

Her adult teeth are poking through!

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Aquarium update

The salty tank is settling in nicely. Water parameters are pretty stable and I should now be able to get away with just testing the water chemistry once a month (in case I need to make tweaks to my dosing computer).

I bought a couple of small clams (I love clams!) and a purple monti from an online store called Coral Crazy. His online shop looks clean and it was so easy to use (refreshing!). Turns out Andrew (the owner) lives local to me so he even dropped off my order himself and gave me a couple of free frags too. Top guy, super passionate and clearly in it for the love not the money (he’s a sparky by trade). I’m pretty sure I’ll be buying more goodies from him in future!!!

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Albert Namatjira inspired Australian aquarium landscape

An original watercolor by Albert Namatjira, painted around 1954.

Albert Namatjira (28 July 1902 – 8 August 1959) is perhaps Australia’s best known Aboriginal painter, with his work forming one of the foundations of contemporary Indigenous Australian art.

Christina’s Dad Tony let me at his old tank in 2007. Christina and I managed to turn it from a dark scary algae breeding box into this lovely tank. It’s been doing great but he’s ready to go the next level and I’ve been enlisted to help!

Tony’s goal is to create a tank visually inspired by Albert Namatjira’s Australian landscape paintings. A lot of his work features a tree as a focal point in the foreground (usually far left or right) and blue mountain scapes in the distance. Re-creating the depth of his paintings will be a great challenge.

I say “I” a lot but this really is a team effort. Christina and Tony are in the boat with me and they’re both very much going to be sharing the driving.

A few weeks ago we ordered a 4x2x2 tank from the same guy that has been building tanks since my Dad was around and in business (Adrian from Ingleburn) and it was delivered last Saturday. Same 4ft width as his current tank (it’ll be sitting in the same place), taller but a lot deeper. The extra depth will really help us with trying to achieve the depth found in Namatjira’s paintings.

4x2x2 eurobraced (no glass panel on top to block the light) and super clear starphire glass all round. Like a bathtub. It looks so much bigger than his old tank (because it is!). The depth makes all the difference.

That same Saturday we went rock shopping at Bonsai Environment in Vineyard. Amazing shop with the most ridiculously inspiring bonsai garden, no photos allowed though, such a shame!

The rocks were about $40/rock so we bought a few. We might end up needing less, or more, we’re not sure!

More updates as they come!

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Mia getting stitches removed

Our little Mia mow mow’s a brave girl. Stitches removed (from desexing). Only took a second, all done, all good!

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