Category Archives: Pets

Aquarium update

FTS February 2011.

Crazy growth everywhere, check this piece growing onto the glass.

A few weeks ago a small hydroponic fan I had running on the tank to bring the temperature down a couple of degrees blew up. Luckily I was in front of the tank at the time as it went up in flames! Lesson learned: Salt water + electrical fans = danger! Without this fan, and with the weather being as hot as it’s been my tank temperature has gone up from it’s usual 27degrees to an average of 29.4degrees and it even hit 30 the other day. All my corals should be dead, but they’re hanging in there just fine. I’ve resorted to turning on the air-con from morning until later afternoon every day. I’d really like to know how much this is costing me. I suppose I’ll find out when I get the next electricity bill!

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Namatjira inspired Australian aquarium landscape update

An original watercolor by Albert Namatjira, painted around 1954.

View the complete build thread here

Just an update on Christina’s Dad’s tank. Water is clearing and neons have been thrown in to cycle the tank. They’ve been in there for a week and doing well, if anything they kinda look thirsty huh?! Plants next week!

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12 days old

Our new little guy to be (Maximilian we’ve decided to name him!) is 12 days old. We’re not sure which one he is, but we’ve been getting lots of updates on his progress. Mum and all kittens are doing well! :)

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We have babies!

Katinka with her babies.

Christina’s found a new breeder who has just (last night) had a new litter of Russian Blue’s. One of these little guys (we want a boy) is going to cost us almost twice the price as the last little guy we saw, but we’re going for it this time. The babies in the photo above are just 2 hours old, the next 3 weeks is crucial apparently and we’ll be update on them as time goes by.

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Tony’s tank

Tony’s tank is finally wet.

We’ll get onto planting once the fog clears :)

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Another cat, maybe?

Little runt!

So the other day Christina asked if we could get another kitten, my instant reaction was “sure!”. Next thing I know Christina was so on the ball that we were out in whoop whoop yesterday afternoon at a breeder’s place checking out this little guy.

Totally different experience to last time. Strange guy, strange vibe. Pappa cat was 3yrs old jailed up in a glass shower and as small as Mia (I’ve seen massive Russian Blue males before and it’s what I’m after, a stud!) and Mamma blue was in a cage about 3ft wide with 2 very skinny looking babies.

Despite the breeder’s push to put a deposit down we thought we’d decline and our trip back home was spent discussing and digesting the experience. In the end we decided to give this little guy a miss, the hunt to find Mia a playmate continues! :)

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Mia Keyboard Hustler

She’s always most affectionate when you’re actually trying to work!!!

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Albert Namatjira inspired Australian aquarium landscape update

Laying down the aquasoil.

Mr Lock shaping the soil.

Me, deep in thought.

The girls chucked these guys in for some much needed comic relief! Great for sense of scale too!

Lights on and it was time to go for dinner.

Spent the whole day at the Locks today helping Tony out with his tank. So much more work than I thought as the tank is just so huge and the rocks were so heavy to move around. All in all we’re happy with how much we got done in one day. The scape isn’t perfect but we’ve got time to get it right. I’ve got to begin the hunt for a huge tree trunk for the left side (meant to be the foreground).

Anyways, last update for the year. I’ll be at Harbour Party tomorrow night, off my tits for a few days I expect! Happy New Years all, have a great one, more blogging (I’m really enjoying it!) in the new year :)

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Christmas 2010

View from my Uncle’s place.

My sister + Mum.

Myself, Mum + brother-in-law Richie.

Simone + Maja.

Richie’s home brew is awesome. Reminds me of a Squire beer, great summer flavor.


For a moment, we’re all kids again. Opening pressies + saying thanks is always a highlight for us each year.

Of-course all the pets got gifts from our shop too :)

I went to mass last night with the Locks and saw what Tony had cooking for his family Christmas today. Eggs stuffed into a quail which is then stuffed into a chicken which is then stuffed into a duck which is then shoved into a massive turkey!!!I Got to admit I was tempted to drop in for the feast but I spent Christmas with my family instead this year and Christina spent it with hers (we usually get to both but this year we thought we’d just chill with our own families).

Booze, food, family, pressies and even some pong action thrown in for good measure. Merry Xmas all! :)

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